Yoga philosophy | depth of asana

When we first learn asanas, we just touch the fur, and the postures we make are superficial.

At this time, it can be called “constructive action”, which means that {our hearts have the idea and willingness to learn yoga and want to try hard.

“Trial action” is only the most direct physiological action.

Then, when the body makes various postures, suddenly the skin, eyes, ears, nose, (all perceptual organs) feel the change of the body.

This can be called “cognitive action” : the skin has cognition and recognizes the movement of the body.

The third stage is called the stage of communication and exchange.

At this time, the mind observed that the cognitive function of the skin was in contact with the trying function of the body, and reached the “mentalaction” in the asana.

At this stage, the heart joins in the work, which is brought from the perceptual organ to the action organ, and clearly knows what is happening at the moment.

The heart is like a bridge between muscle movements and perceptual organs, connecting intelligence to all parts of the body – muscle fiber tissue and cells, all the way to the pores on the surface of the skin.

Be careful to join the work.

New ideas arise from it.

We can focus on it and remember the feeling of action.

We feel changes in our bodies and think, “what is this unprecedented feeling?” We use “heart” to distinguish.

This discerning mind observes and analyzes the feelings of the front, back, interior and appearance of the body.

This stage can be called “reflection”.

Finally, when the action has an overall feeling and there is no fluctuation in the extension, the “attempt”, “cognition”, “heart” and “reflection” all converge into a complete awareness, from the deepest true self to the surface of the skin, and from the surface of the skin to the deepest true self.

This is the spiritual practice of yoga.

This article is taken from the tree of Yoga [seal] Iyengar..

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