15 yoga moves, sweat and fat reduction, good figure( (attached)

Summer has come, the weather is too hot, do not want to exercise, just want to eat every day, exercise is getting smaller and smaller


It’s the season of meat exposure again, and the accumulated meat in winter will be unable to hide


So many good-looking s-size clothes are waiting for you, don’t hurry to practice! This summer, let’s become thin and beautiful together! 1


Stand in the mountain posture with hands folded in front of the chest, hip bent and knee bent, buttocks sitting down, shins pushing back, thighs sinking, front hips lifting up, tailbone down, keep 8 breaths




Variant of the magic chair – Preparation of the magic chair, center of gravity on the left foot straight, right leg forward, toe hook bending, left knee bending, body sinking down, dynamic exercise 8 groups, change the other side 3 4


Soldiers stand in mountain style, feet apart more than one leg long, turn feet to the right, adjust hip center, arm up, spine up, exhale, bend right knee, body vertical down, keep 8 breaths, change the other side 5 Soldiers in different forms soldiers in different forms prepare, back straight exhale, left knee down, don’t fall to the ground, right thigh, hip down subsidence dynamic exercise group 8, change the opposite side 6, dog soldiers in different forms withdraw legs back to dog neck, shoulders relax, armpit expand abdominal adduction, sciatic bone to the highest point, heel down step, maintain 8 breathing 7, dolphin dog preparation, In turn, lower the elbow to the palm of the lower hand, lower the forearm to the ground, tighten the core, stretch the arm in dolphin style, return to the downward dog style dynamic exercise group 8, prepare for downward dog style with one leg, lift the left leg backward to the upper arm and trunk, exhale with the left leg in a straight line, and jump up with the right foot


In dynamic exercise group 8, change the opposite side 9, move the center of gravity forward to the downward dog style with the inclined plate, and the wrist is directly under the shoulder, Step on the floor and tighten the core, tighten the thighs, lift the neck and relax, keep 8 breaths 10


Slant plate variant slant plate preparation, push the heels back to exhale, jump both feet to both sides of the mat to inhale, jump back to the feet close to the core, dynamic exercise group 8 11


Mountaineering slant plate preparation, core tightening, bending the right knee, knee touching the right elbow to inhale, straightening the right leg, bending the left knee backward, Knee touching left elbow dynamic exercise group 8 12, inclined plate variant 2, inclined plate preparation, retract the core, lift chest, lift right leg forward, drop two hands, stretch the middle left leg, push the heel backward to exhale, left leg forward, right leg backward, left and right as a group, dynamic exercise group 8 13, simple boat sitting and standing preparation, bend your knees, lift your legs parallel to the ground in turn, and raise your hands horizontally, Stretch your spine upward, keep your eyes looking straight ahead, and keep 8 breaths 14


Simple boat half boat simple boat preparation, slowly roll your back to the floor and drop your legs down at the same time


Enter the half boat preparation


Your feet and shoulders are about 20 cm above the ground


Inhale and bend your knees back to the simple boat to keep balance


Dynamic exercise group 8 15


Half boat variant half boat preparation, arms straight and core tight, Keep the upper part of the body motionless, lift your feet up in turn, 8 groups of dynamic exercise, adhere to the practice of this sequence, legs thin, waist thin, core strength stronger, you love beauty is worth collecting! Copyright belongs to the original, if there is infringement, please contact to delete recommended reading 110 sets of collection level Yoga sequence( 2.99% of beginners don’t understand


Do you understand 10 common “Yoga passwords”? Yoga is not acrobatics, if you love, please love deeply! If you like yoga, you can click QR code to follow.


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