9 simple yoga sequences, elementary, middle and advanced (collection level)

It is highly recommended to collect it! It can be arranged into the practice sequence of different flow yoga


Recently, Haowen Yoga people are watching.


Before 12:00 on November 20, we will select one lucky fan with the most sites from the selected messages and send out a yoga vest (4 colors)


First set: – Primary – stretch the back of thighs – stand forward, low lunge, half monkey, pyramid, half pigeon, half pigeon variant, keep 5 breaths each, repeat the second set: – Primary – stretch the hip, half pigeon, double pigeon, happy baby, lizard, crescent, yoga squat, keep 5 breaths each set: – Primary – stretch the spine, open the chest Chamber cat, cow, snake, bow, bridge, half camel, 5 breaths per pose set 4: – intermediate – core + arm strength, step by step, balance, cudgel hip lift, sitting angle hip lift, 5 breaths per pose set 5: – Advanced – core + arm strength, handstand, ready to rise, crow, half balance, jump Jump, side plank, slant plank, keep 5 breaths for each posture, jump and repeat 5 times


They are suitable for different levels of practitioners, stretching different parts of the body


Set 9: – Advanced – stretch the back of the hip and thigh


In the past, the prize of the winner will be automatically postponed to the next Jiayou


-Welcome to leave a message


Set 8: – medium Level – Firefly requires the core strength of the arms, starting with the legs crossed and the arms supported


Today, we share 9 short Yoga sequences, which are divided into primary, intermediate and advanced


Teacher wechat


Try this pose after opening the hip and the back of the thigh


Set 7: – advanced – Camel style, do camel style first, and finally challenge the final posture with the center of gravity backward


Set 6: – Advanced – backward bending exercise – Elbow landing single leg wheeled, start from wheeled, then elbow landing, keep wheeled, lift single leg upward, keep 5 breaths for each posture


It’s better to have the teacher’s guidance


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