Common mistakes in yoga “sun worship” and correction, especially attention! (collection level)

Then inhale, straighten your back knees, and come to warrior or lunge


Question 3: it’s difficult to move one foot forward between the hands and let the foot completely move from the dog down to the hands


When the exhalation is almost over, jump forward again


With the deepening of practice, although added a knee landing movement, but the breathing will not be disordered


How to do it: bend your knees, look ahead, and look where you want to jump forward


You don’t need to fall at a fixed point to jump where your body allows you to


It can wake up the whole body, concentrate and breathe peacefully with flow and rhythm


When the swashplate stabilizes, the practice becomes simpler, lighter and more energetic


How do you solve these problems? Talk about your experience ~ – Message Award – welcome to leave a message


At the same time, slightly roll the tailbone, pull the hip away from the thigh


This pose is very useful because it’s all the strength needed in the four column support


This usually means raising your shoulders as high as possible, even above your hips


It’s difficult to come to the warrior or the lunge


If you have a flexible back thigh, you can keep your fingertips on the ground and extend the spine, but most students need to put their hands on their calves to extend the spine


How to do it: take a deep breath from down dog


You can also better start the core


Recently, Haowen Yoga people are watching.


Solution: the slant plate usually says the shoulder is right above the wrist


Push gently on the instep and pubis




It takes time and concentration, and you’ll soon be able to practice the tandem sequence in a flowing and safe way, making you feel like a duck to water in the flow yoga class


Feel the muscles next to the spine activate and inhale fully


How to do it: snake hands on the ground, fingertips forward, on both sides of the chest


Serpentine strengthens the outward rotation of the shoulder joint, opening the shoulder, extending the arm and chest


Why do other people do Japanese worship? Are you hot and bulky? It’s comfortable to do Japanese worship


Now, bend your elbows more, push your chest forward, and then jump back


Question 5: jump back to four column support type “jump back” means jump from standing forward to four column support, but don’t understand these three words too one sidedly, it will cause problems


How to do: bend forward from standing, hands in the middle of the leg


Four column support is a complicated pose with many details


Problem 2: stay stable in the diagonal plate


Solution: the key is to lift the front of your chest high enough to activate the paravertebral muscles, which help you extend your spine


But if you can only jump behind your hands, there’s nothing wrong – jumping between your hands is not much better for your body


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When you’re fully exhaled, move your weight to the left side, grab your right ankle with your right hand, and push your right foot forward to the right position


So the upper body is not in the right position, the shoulder pressure is too high, and the lower back is squeezed


How to do it: come to the slant board with your shoulders right above your wrists


It may look bulky, but the front foot can be more upright


The details of the great God Yoga sun worship are accurate


By doing a little simple variation, you’ll find the right position, reduce knee pressure, and stretch the hip flexor better


Feel the arm and upper back equally


If you don’t have enough strength to support the four pillars, this pose doesn’t work


If your foot can’t move forward enough, your knee will bend too much and your hip flexor won’t stretch better, which makes it harder for the other foot to move forward to stand forward


Make sure you jump back as you exhale to activate your abdominal muscles more easily


Question 4: when you jump forward, it’s too hard to jump forward from dog down to stand and bend forward


Where you land is based on the flexibility of the back of your thighs


In the past, the prize of the winner will be automatically postponed to the next Jiayou


Because this movement is very subtle, you must have ignored it, the spine is basically not extended


Put it down


Today, I will point out some common problems in Japanese worship and give a step-by-step solution to help you find the right position of the pose


To activate the core, pull the front ribs and sternum slightly away from the ground


If the diagonal plate is not stable, your wrist and lumbar spine will be under too much pressure


Extend the spine upward, making sure the elbows are bent and retracted toward the body, keeping the scapula adducted


Many people can’t jump directly between their hands


These variants are all for the preparation of four column support


This little movement, it starts the core of the abdomen


On the way to yoga, it’s time to think about it


At the same time, there are also some “comfortable” aspects of this sequence, such as: how to move your legs forward to the lunge, or when you jump back to the inclined board, you have lower back pain, maybe your breathing and movement can’t match in a certain part, or you are wondering what is the correct way of breathing


It’s a fluid, fixed sequence that can be repeated, so it’s the first choice for self practice at home


When you begin to exhale, you land on your knees and come to the four legged bench position


Press the ground from the heel of your fingers, extend your shoulder blades, and keep your shoulders away from your ears


Look ahead, focus on the ground ahead


If you don’t have enough strength, it’s hard to be upright, and your shoulders, wrists and lower back are prone to injury


If the flexibility of the back thigh is not enough, you need to fall on your hands and face, otherwise the neck and shoulders will be too stressed


Your feet just come between your hands


Solution: if you can’t move your foot from down dog to between your hands, you can put your knee on the ground first


Once you have mastered it, the connection between movements will be lighter and more elegant – even if more power is needed


Keep your shoulders away from your ears and feel the strength of your upper back and arms


Locust palm down, strengthen arm external rotation and upper back strength


Back the thighs, extend the spine, and open the chest


But if you do, your breathing and neck pressure will be reduced and the spine can be extended


If you just put your body back and your weight back, when you come to the four pillars, your hands will be too forward


It’s a wonderful thing


Before 12:00 on December 14, we will select one lucky fan with the most sites from the selected messages and send out a pair of Yoga Pants (4 colors available)


Solution: there are many ways to make four column support variants


The core needs to be activated to stabilize the scapula


Lift your head, chest, shoulders and arms off the ground


The right hand comes to the outside of the right foot


Solution: if you can easily jump from down dog to between your hands, no problem, good


Question 1: the small movement of lifting half from the standing forward bend is to raise the head and extend the back in the standing forward bend


One of them is to do it with both knees on the ground, especially in flow yoga, or do locust and snake to strengthen your strength


Walk back about 10 cm with your feet and hands in front of your shoulders


Push the floor with both hands and clip in the elbow


Solution: jump back to the upright position of the four column support, the force of legs jump back and chest forward force to balance


Press your hands slightly on your calves and lift your upper body until your shoulders and hips are at the same height


If you jump forward when you breathe in or when you start to breathe out, your upper abdomen will be bloated and it will be difficult to jump forward


As the chest moves forward, activate the abdominal muscles, retract the elbows to the ribs, and bend the elbows


This requires abdominal strength and physical determination, and it takes time to practice


Problem 6: not enough strength to do four column support


Get down in locust style with hands straight behind you and palms down


However, it is not necessary


This is a correct way to do the pose, but if you put your hand a little bit in front of the shoulder, you can activate the outer boundary of the scapula, pull the shoulder away from the ear, and keep the cervical spine elongated without pressure


How to do: from standing forward, bending knees, hands on the ground, body slightly forward


It takes more practice to master


Everyone who has seen it has collected the following: Yoga sun worship A-style, yoga sun worship b-style


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