New Yoga Life

In the bedroom can practice yoga, get up to practice it!

(3) stand with feet and toes together and hind feet slightly apart


Clench your hands, raise your arms and point to the ceiling


Keep 5-8 breaths


(4) the left foot is backward, the knee touches the ground, the right foot is in front, the knee is bent, and the ankle is in the same line


Stand with feet and toes together and hind feet slightly apart


Then, with the hips as the axis, the body bends forward, and the top of the head is close to the ground


Slowly, you will find that you can straighten your knees just like the model in the picture


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Hold this for 5-8 breaths


Next, bend your knees, sit down on your hips, and raise your arms up for 5-8 breaths


At first, the flexibility is not enough, you can bend the knee to complete the action


It’s easy to lose weight.


Raise your hands and stretch back, lifting your chest and shoulders in line with your hips


(2) stand with feet and toes together and hind feet slightly apart


Stretch your body to the right for 5-8 breaths and repeat on the other side


If you want to stretch further, the arm can be pushed back a little


(5) lie on the yoga mat, hold the right knee with both hands, press it to the chest, then slowly turn left, turn the head to the right, and keep 5-8 breaths


At that time, it also means that your flexibility has improved


Repeat on the other side


Repeat on the other side


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