New Yoga Life

Shoulder and neck block hundred sick students, 6 yoga postures away from cervical spondylosis, the effect is 10 times the massage!

Close your hands behind your palms, shoulder blades close to each other, expand your clavicles, palm heel push each other, and keep your shoulders relaxed and sinking


Share 6 yoga postures to relieve shoulder and back pain and adjust round shoulder and hunchback! Supine exercise 01 supine on the mat, prepare the brick to be placed vertically under the back of the head, and the other piece to be placed horizontally under the chest


Keep 8 breaths against the wall exercise 03 find a wall and stand in mountain style The feet are the same width as the hips, the arms first bend the Elbows 90 degrees upward, then the arms slowly straighten up, and finally slowly down, we must slowly pay attention to the whole process, the arms stick to the wall dynamic exercise 10 groups of double angle twist 04 standing, the feet separated about a long leg, the toes pointed forward, the lateral side of the feet parallel hands hip, inhale, extend the spine, exhale, bend forward, hands under the shoulders, inhale again Stretch your spine and exhale, keep your legs still, twist your left hand up and down, keep 8 breaths, change sides locust style 05 lie prone on the mat, put your hands on both sides of your body, put your feet together, exhale from the thigh root, lift your legs upward, and extend your chest away from the mat, hold your hands back, keep 8 breaths, small bridge style 06 supine, bend your knees and heels close to your hips, lift your hips up , put the brick under the sacrum, put the palms of both hands on both sides of the body, keep 8 breathing, teacher wechat, long press the figure below to identify the QR code, and then add a point in the lower left corner to select yoga supplies.


Shoulder joint is the joint with the largest range of motion of the whole body, especially now people are sedentary, head up to the computer, head down to the mobile phone, the most prone to chronic strain


Light chest hunchback, shoulder and neck pain, affect personal temperament and image; heavy will lead to insomnia, scapulohumeral periarthritis


Raise your hands above the head, hold your elbows close your eyes, and keep 1 minute reverse prayer 02 standing or simple sitting


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