New Yoga Life

Sleep quality is not good, practice these yoga techniques more





Repeat the activity several times and twist to the other side


When lying on the bed, lift your legs and put them on the wall, relax your body, put your arms on both sides naturally, and put your palms up


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Keep your head clear and breathe deeply


Sit cross legged on the bed, put your right hand on your left knee, and put your left back behind you


Turn your knees to the left and your head to the left


Yoga is a healthy lifestyle, which has nothing to do with the age of the practitioner


Sit upright on the bed, bend your knees, straighten your spine, relax your arms and take three deep breaths


Breathe more and focus more


Do it on the other side when the position is restored


You can start any time you want to practice


Gently turn your body to the left


These basic yoga postures are not very difficult and suitable for beginners to practice


When lying on the bed, bend your legs, hold your arms around your ankles, swing your body back and forth, and adjust your breathing


Lie on your back with your arms under your hips, slowly raise your head and extend your head back


Lie on the bed with knees bent, feet opposite, arms naturally on both sides of the body


Lie on your back with your legs bent and your upper body still


Sit upright on the bed with legs straight, feet together and toes in both hands


After the posture is restored, do it in another direction


You don’t need to become a professional master, as long as you can calm down and do simple actions, you can get unexpected results, such as lowering blood pressure, relieving stress, improving memory, etc






There was a straight line between your knees


Kneel on the bed, fingers on toes, knees shoulder width, bend over between legs, pay attention to regulate breathing


If you can’t, you can grab your ankles, legs and thighs as long as you feel comfortable


At the same time, they can eliminate fatigue and make you feel more refreshed


If you feel uncomfortable with your legs, put one or two pillows under it


Bend your left arm to hook the back of your left foot, stretch your left hand behind your neck, and hold your hands behind your back for more than ten seconds


They can not only improve the quality of sleep, but also make the body lines firm and elastic


▎ ten simple bed yoga moves, get up


Breathe gently and stretch out


Keep this posture, recover after ten seconds, and then repeat


@ @ @ @ 08 relax, sit up straight, take a deep breath, bend your feet, stretch to one side, and lay flat on the ground


Turn to your left shoulder, take a deep breath, and return slowly


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