The arrangement principle of posture sequence in yoga practice

If it is an exercise sequence to enhance vitality, your body will naturally generate a certain amount of heat


It’s particularly important that after the series of back bends that actively improve energy, they should come out slowly and skillfully


You can directly move forward to the enhanced spinal extension (Uttanasana) to maintain the heat you get during exercise (and continue the exercise of the next pose); On the contrary, if you use the down dog pose to reduce the heat, you can then transition to baby pose to relax


Even if the subject of exercise includes a variety of postures, it is not the best way to arrange the order of postures strictly


It should be said that it would be confusing to judge which pose is heating or cooling at the beginning


But if you often practice regularly, after a long time, you may find that the head stand up is very relaxed and has a cooling effect, especially in the short practice


Generally speaking, one posture should lead you into another through the “similarity” between the postures, rather than relying on the “opposite”


Almost all the postures that use jaw retraction are those that cool the brain and body (such as shoulder handstand, bridge, plow, etc.)


Usually, we have a specific theme in an individual exercise sequence – for example, standing, or bending forward, or bending backward


Therefore, the next step should be the transition to rest style


There’s no need to make a direct forward backward transition between the forward and backward bends


You should not start to enter the core (Theme) of yoga exercise after cooling down postures (such as front bending postures) and following up with energy enhancing postures


Fundamentally speaking, the effect of an individual style may be related not only to the style itself, but also to the way the practitioner exercises




There is no single order of postures that can be applied to everyone, every day; the students’ different habits, different energy levels and different experiences are the factors that should be considered when deciding the order of postures


These calories will help to promote and maintain the flexibility of the spine and mentally prepare you for the whole energy boosting exercise series, so you need to keep the calories throughout the exercise series


The choice of posture sequence also depends on the state of your mind at that time


Of course, you don’t have to bow your lower back at other times


You need to put a pillow or blanket under your trunk for better effect (at the same time, you should also use the cushion in the following bunching posture and head knee forward bending stretching posture)




After training the mandible in the position of jaw retraction, we should not do the posture to improve the heat, because the posture involving jaw retraction has undoubtedly cooled the brain and body


However, it is important to remember that in order to release the lumbar spine, you should slightly arch your lower back up so that you can feel the relaxing effect of the dog down style


When Westerners practice yoga, especially in the early period, they were instilled with the idea that you should use “reverse posture” technology to achieve good exercise effect, such as a forward bending posture followed by a backward bending posture, so that the spine can move in two opposite directions almost at the same time to “adjust” the spine


This is what you should do, slowly transition the cooling process to the final push through rest


In general, after the deep forward bending sequence, several twisting postures should be considered to balance and relax the muscles around the spine




Examples of cooling postures are: forward bending postures (especially sitting and standing forward bending postures), lying hands grasping toes and legs stretching postures (especially after the backward bending postures, the cooling effect is more obvious), beam angle postures, and gentle and slow twisting postures


One of the most important and useful ways to start descending from the backward bend is the downward dog


However, the dog down position is different from the usual practice: the distance between the arms and between the feet is slightly larger than usual


However, it’s best not to end your exercise in the twist position, because that will leave some asymmetric stretch in the spine


You need to pay homage to what your back has done (make it comfortable, ha ha)


Indeed, to get the solution out of the backward bend, you can use some mild forward bends in the following poses to balance and stimulate the spine in a new direction


Active back bending will have a strong effect on your body, and you should plan to bring your back back to neutral before transiting to the corpse type relaxation rest


However, this is not a good way to exercise




Standing posture is a good preparation for forward and backward bending postures


If you do it at the beginning of the pose sequence, downward dog pose is a positive preparation for you to enter a further flow state, so you don’t have to go down from downward dog pose to infant pose and then continue the following pose




Therefore, if the twist posture is arranged in the back part of the exercise series, at least do a symmetrical posture (such as slightly sit and stand forward) to eliminate the tension accumulated in the spine before entering the rest posture


At the same time, in order to achieve special effects, there are also some general methods to change..


Another good posture out of the backward bending is the children’s posture


In this way, you can make your back flat without sinking, so you can loosen the kidney area (the so-called gate of life area in qigong)


Different types of yoga postures not only have different effects on your body, but also, as you feel, have the same effect on your consciousness and emotion


For example, generally speaking, the head stand up is a warming posture, while the shoulder stand up is a cooling posture


Once you start to cool down, it’s not appropriate to do the heat and energy boosting pose


Of course, we need to follow some key principles whenever we arrange the order of yoga exercises


Generally speaking, the postures to enhance heat include: standing three-dimensional, inverted three-dimensional (cooling with the aid of AIDS), arm balance postures, backward bending postures (cooling with the aid of AIDS), and active twisting postures




You’re recovering from the back bend


Downward dog posture can be used as an excellent preparation for all postures, and it is also a good preparation for forward and backward bending postures You can almost say that you can’t do the next dog pose at any time


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