New Yoga Life

The sweat of yoga is the best maintenance for women!

According to experts, when irritability and anxiety rush to the heart, jump with a brisk pace for about 15 minutes and sweat all over the body, you can relieve tension and stabilize mood


Keep in shape when the body practices yoga and reaches a certain intensity, fat will burn into heat and be discharged from the body through sweat


To relieve anxiety and tension, yoga is a kind of practice with movement in stillness and stillness in movement, which can relieve neuromuscular tension


More than 99% of the sweat is water, which can clean the pores and discharge some metabolic wastes, such as urea, ammonia, lactic acid, etc


In addition, yoga sweating can also effectively prevent cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, breast cancer and other diseases




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Speed up the circulation of body fluids


Different from the passive sweating in the hot and steaming shallow layer, yoga belongs to active sweating, which can stimulate the deep muscles and expel toxins and sweat from the body




Skin care and beauty of normal skin surface sweat and sebaceous glands secreted to the body surface oil will form a layer of emulsion film, prevent the loss of water on the body surface, so that the skin appears smooth and moist


Yoga can not only consume fat to achieve the purpose of weight loss and fitness, but also improve temperament and give people the beauty of tall and graceful body






Sweat glands become smaller, the most direct harm is to reduce the adaptability to temperature difference, it is easy to catch a cold, resulting in low immunity


From the perspective of Western medicine, the physiological function of sweating is to “regulate body temperature”, because after sweating, the skin temperature can be reduced by about 4 degrees Celsius on average, which can be described as the “air conditioner” of the human body




A long-term educational experiment conducted in the United States for 20000 middle school students shows that students who sweat actively can greatly improve their memory and concentration


Sweating in yoga can dilate capillaries, accelerate blood circulation, increase the elasticity of blood vessel wall, and reduce blood pressure


For people who promote digestion and sleep without sweating, Qi and blood run slowly, which will affect digestion and lead to people not eating well, and nerve activity will also be affected, resulting in people not sleeping well at night




Some yoga practitioners are easy to sweat, many people don’t like the slimy body, but in fact, the sweat when practicing yoga is our best maintenance product


Therefore, every time you sweat after yoga, you can feel relaxed and happy, and there are the following unexpected benefits: 1


Control of blood pressure and blood lipid hypertension is a phenomenon due to the narrowing and hardening of blood vessel diameter and the limitation of unit blood flow


Often with breathing stretch the body, brain thinking activities become clear, flexible, can effectively eliminate mental fatigue, improve learning and work efficiency


Prevention of various diseases, yoga three times a week, more than an hour each time, the muscle emergency ability and coordination ability, the bone density and strength is significantly higher than that of their peers, regardless of age, rarely fall fracture


It often makes itself sweat, which can alleviate the metabolic burden of the kidney to a certain extent




Yoga can enhance the secretion function of digestive glands, promote regular gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase appetite, regulate nerve activity, and promote night sleep


Long term yoga is conducive to reduce blood lipid content through weight loss, so as to achieve a fundamental stable blood pressure


Therefore, sweat gland is also known as the “second kidney” of the human body


But in fact, the sweat of yoga is our best skin care product




People who don’t sweat all the time, because their skin metabolism is slow, some wastes are difficult to discharge, and their skin color looks unhealthy


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