New Yoga Life

This yoga teacher tells you how much potential the body has!

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Not only the spine is more flexible, but also the hips and shoulders are more flexible The feet can also lift more changes of handstand in spring, summer, autumn and winter


In practice, your teacher cultivates a good heart


Adelbridges said that not only should you be correct, but also you should make it more difficult for yourself to keep the ordinary posture comfortable


Her motivation is to “keep practicing and make progress every day.” let’s take a look at her before and after yoga


In practice, you surrender to your body


Inspirational post again! This time, the protagonist is adelbridges


Every season is more skillful and stable


The latter photo makes people feel more perfect


In practice, everything will come


It’s easy to lose weight.


For example, in bridge style, one leg with the instep close to the ground, bend the back knee in low lunge, bend the knee in snake style, and lean your back against the wall Standing should try to face the wall, doing handstand can find more stability


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Practice, you will find that the potential of the body is great, more powerful than you think, more flexible than you think, more intelligent than you think (do you find this picture is one handed handstand?) Keep practicing


The thoracic vertebra and shoulders are obviously extended and open more


This is the only answer


Compared with the previous photo, it has made people feel confused


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