New Yoga Life

To Yoga: goodbye, 2020, Hello, 2021!

When there are negative emotions, we can find that you need to change your mind, put it down, and accept it for the first time More and more to see yourself, to know yourself, to embrace the most real yourself, to better learn to love yourself, to learn to love yourself, to better love others, the beauty of the world is completely in your own heart, even now in good times, if you don’t feel love, feel a good heart, your world is not good, even if there are many difficulties ahead, if your heart will still love you By the beauty of the world, these are the yoga postures that teach us to be humble


2020 is a bad year for many people, but to live healthily is actually the greatest happiness


Yoga is not outward, it is inward


Thanksgiving yoga, just me Welcome to share the teacher’s wechat Chang


It helps us to be taught


2020 is about to pass, and let the past pass Don’t take it as a shackle in the past


If you are not happy in 2020, you should regret and live in a strong country


Don’t worry about the future, don’t be afraid of doing well in the present, and live in the present


The twist postures let us eliminate the negative


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The back bending postures let us be open-minded


In 2020, we will have less and less time to chat with others, and more and more conversations with ourselves


The three-dimensional postures let us be full of energy and Thanksgiving yoga, let us slow down the aging of appearance and Thanksgiving yoga, let us have a healthy body and a better attitude


This is the focus of spiritual practice


No matter good or bad, it’s an experience of life


If you have a job and income, it is important to keep practicing yoga, and you should be grateful! Looking back to 2020, I would like to ask you what year is your first year of yoga practice? What have you gained from yoga this year? After practicing yoga, you will know that yoga is not only related to the outside


It is the light in your heart that leads you to meet your best self


It helps us open our hearts, focus our consciousness, and let us become the people we want to be


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