New Yoga Life

Which of the 10 advanced yoga postures do you know? Don’t tell me it’s the last one!

How many will you do except the last one? @ @ @ @ teacher wechat @ @ @ recent Haowen @ @ today’s preferred Yoga tutors are all watching.


Handstand with one hand, handstand with two hands is very difficult, some yoga practitioners can handstand with one hand! This is the 5th and 6th level asatanga yoga pose




Karabaharava is actually not difficult among the 10 asanas, but to put the legs behind the head, you need to open the hips


This one handed version needs more attention




However, we can definitely do the last one! 1




Of course, yoga doesn’t require you to do more difficult postures, but it’s really enjoyable to watch others do it, and you may think, “I’ll practice that one day,” or “I’m afraid I’ll never be able to do it.”


In fact, it is the sleeping turtle posture


How can it be done?! It is often said that the body lifting posture is a very important posture


It needs the strength of the abdomen and shoulders to improve balance and build internal strength


It requires balance and concentration, strong back muscles and good spinal flexibility








Obviously, you can only do this if you can do handstand




We’ve had a good time


Support the mandible, elbow upside down, elbow upside down, also support the chin with both hands, bend the knee, it’s too easy


In order for the digestive system to work normally, we need to balance the left and right sides


Peacock’s hands turn in the opposite direction and knees bend and fold


The Yoga sleeping posture is like tying a knot


If you can do one handed handstand, you have a strong core, strong concentration and strong wrist


The face awe pose looks more like jujitsu than yoga


Handstand scorpion posture usually uses elbow to touch the ground, which increases the difficulty


Share 10 difficult yoga postures with you


Extreme stretching at the front of the body and extreme folding at the back of the body


The arms are against the abdomen to promote digestion


Doing this posture can enter a deeper state of peace




At the same time, one hand balance requires concentration


Foot to head position is one of the most difficult backward bending positions


Finally, you can touch the tip of your nose with your toes


This posture strengthens the wrists, shoulders and arms


One handed peacock style this is a variant of peacock style, one handed


It doesn’t matter whether we can do it or not


There is no need to explain the posture of Niubi


But how many of us did it right? In the upright posture, keep your body still and your heart empty


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