Yoga beginners must understand the “Yoga formula”, really important!

Tighten the core in yoga practice Some postures need to tighten the core


You should also tell me that keeping a smooth breath is the basic formula of all postures


Formula 4: smooth breathing beginners often lose strength because of the tension of the body If you forget to breathe, or even hold your breath, please remind yourself to breathe at any time, especially when you are doing your challenging postures


Only in this way can you succeed, When we practice yoga, as long as we master some key elements, it will become very easy and efficient ~ thousands of Indian yoga music are free, please add wechat: yogasday to get it.


When we are learning yoga, it is very important to have a good instructor to guide and correct the posture, because the requirements of each action in yoga practice are different, and the methods of completing the practice are also different


Therefore, we should not only tighten the abdomen, but also pay more attention to the activation of other core areas outside the abdomen


When practicing, you should recite “relax the shoulder and neck” in your heart and then devote yourself to it


The center of gravity of different postures is different


If you don’t keep the correct posture, you will not only not get exercise, but also play a role Counter effect: the wrong large-scale practice is not as good as the correct small-scale practice




Relaxing the shoulder and neck is not just talking




The core is not only the abdomen in the human body, but also the parts below the diaphragm and above the pelvic floor belong to the core of our human body


Only in this way can we fully exert the effect of postural exercise


5: relax your shoulders and neck


No matter when you are doing stretching, twisting, balancing or bending forward, more than 90% of beginners will automatically shrug their shoulders up to cause shoulder pain The muscle tension near the neck is originally a course to relax the shoulder and neck, but the shoulder and neck pain is more serious


It is very important to keep the foundation stable in yoga practice


In yoga practice, you must keep the extension neutral position of the spine and practice other movements on this premise


If the foundation is not stable in practice, it may cause damage to the body


Balance of center of gravity in yoga practice must keep your body foundation stable


Yoga_ So if you learn yoga mostly by self-study, watching videos, pictures and words, you must keep in mind these five sentences, which are often mentioned by teachers in yoga classes, but are easily ignored in practical practice, resulting in poor performance of students and greatly reduced practice effect! Let’s have a look with the Yoga people quickly, keep it in mind, let your yoga practice get twice the result with half the effort ~ Formula 1: when doing any posture, please pay attention to whether you step on the waist and arch your back


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