New Yoga Life

Yoga five steps for a thin stomach

Do the same on the left


Hold for 20 seconds and breathe comfortably


Lean forward)






1、 Pear style: 1


Hold for 30 seconds




Bend the right knee until the thigh is parallel to the ground, the calf is perpendicular to the ground, turn the thigh and head to the right, and focus on the fingertips of the right hand


When you recover, bend your knees and feel your spine unfold and curl up one by one until your hips come back to the ground again


Inhale, slowly lift your hands and body, turn your feet back, and return to the basic standing position


Turn the right foot 90 degrees to the right, the left foot a little to the right, the heels in a straight line, both sides of the arms extended, parallel to the ground






Turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right, and turn your left foot 15 to 30 degrees to the right


Repeat in the opposite direction


Five style yoga thin stomach, Yoga action has no absolute standard, in order to be able to bear as the limit, should not be forced, no matter what action to do what kind of degree is very beautiful, will have the effect


Look at the fingertips of your right hand


Right hand on the front of the leg, arms in a straight line, turn to look up




Inhale and slowly return to the starting position




Hold for 30 seconds


Inhale and lift your head, upper body and legs away from the ground, with your arms straight forward and parallel to the ground




Lie flat and supine, legs together, hands on the side of the body, palms down


5、 Triangle rotation: 1, legs apart than the shoulder width, straight arms side lift parallel to the ground


Repeat 6 times


Hold for 10-15 seconds and breathe slowly and regularly


Standing posture


Exhale, feet wider than shoulders, arms parallel to the ground




Hold your breath and keep your posture as long as possible


Exhale, lower your legs, return to the ground and relax


Exhale, turn your body to the right, place your left hand on your right calf or on the ground outside your right foot, with your arms in a straight line


3、 Warrior style: 1


It’s going to hit the ground




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Inhale, bend your knees and lift your legs, perpendicular to your body




Turn right 90 degrees with your right foot and 30 degrees with your left foot


4、 Boat style: 1, supine, legs straight, arms flat body side, palm down




Inhale, straighten the right leg, return to the starting position, repeat the above action on the left side


2、 Angle: 1, legs apart, wider than the shoulder, legs straight


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