New Yoga Life

Yoga girls must pay attention to the six small details! In order to build a good figure efficiently~

But if you are overweight, you’d better choose light food with low calorie


Curry powder contains cumin, white pepper, cumin, pepper and other spicy ingredients, which can help enhance metabolic function and consume fat faster


Key points of sitting upright bending: extend from the waist and lower back forward, keep 8 slow breaths


So before going to bed at night is the best time for meditation training


When facing food, TIP3 should calm down and face all kinds of rich and attractive food


Key points of low lunge twist: don’t let your knees exceed your toes, open your chest, flatten your arms, and keep 5 natural slow breaths on both sides


Key points of supine relaxation: keep the body in the same line, two feet slightly Open and sink all over


But for Yoga apprentices, what they need to learn in the process of training is to control their mind and desire, and to understand how some food will affect the process of body building


In addition, it’s not easy to contact in a few days after illness or recovery, because the functions of muscles, ligaments and joints may not be fully recovered It is difficult to achieve the ideal training effect and may increase the body load


Key points of upward expansion: clamp the ribs with both arms, extend the spine upward, tighten the buttocks and abdomen, and keep 8 natural slow breathing


Many people will lose their instinct


Tip4 carefully taste the original taste of food, seriously taste the original taste of food is not only to develop the habit of chewing slowly, more is to learn to recognize things and their own process, so as to better understand the essence of yoga, better control their own mind and body


The blood flow of meditation is accelerated, the peristalsis of intestines and stomach is accelerated, and the fat is burning actively


At this time, your body needs a clean environment


Tiredness can make people feel tired


Tip1 eat spicy food in moderation


Eating food should be a process of enjoyment


Take out 15-30 minutes, and you don’t need to spend too much energy to make the spirit recover to the maximum extent


From a long time ago, Indians like to eat spicy food, the most representative of which is vegetables or meat seasoned with curry


Key points of plough type movement: both hands can support the back, bend both knees slowly to keep 8 slow breaths when restoring


Although yoga can exercise people’s mind, it’s better not to carry out training when they are in a low mood, because the muscles are tight at this time, and forced training is likely to strain ligaments and muscles


Key points of cross bending: fold down the waist and abdomen, do not arch the back, keep 8 slow breaths


Tip2 choose food according to your body’s reaction


The reason is very simple


Note: exhale and inhale 3 times at the end of each movement, and slow down the rhythm.


Tip5 is the best time for meditation training at night


The following small series to bring you today’s Yoga tutorial only one posture! The key points of dog down movement: press ten toes tightly on the ground, straighten the knees, relax the shoulders, lift the tailbone up, and keep breathing slowly for 8 months


Tip6 is not suitable to practice yoga in some cases


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