New Yoga Life

Yoga hip so practice, better blood circulation, release negative emotions, nourish the pelvis, uterus!

Twist the chest left and right, hold 10 breaths 06, side squat Exit from goddess style and enter side squat style


Lie on the mat, hands above the knees


Pay attention to your knees and hips The knee is perpendicular to the heel, the core is tight and does not collapse


Inhale to lengthen your spine and exhale to bend your body to the left After 8 breaths, change sides 03, hip around


Sit and stand with one leg side extended


Modern people are in a sedentary state most of the time, and the impurities and garbage in their Qi and blood will slowly deposit into their pelvis, while some ordinary sports seldom exercise to their pelvis


Keep your back close to the ground and hold one minute


Keep circling 10-12 times 04, double angle


Sit on the yoga mat and bend your knees and heels


Inhale to lengthen your spine and exhale to sit on the ground


Pay attention to the core tightening and shoulders relaxing


Exit from side squat style and enter sitting at the corner


Big toe down, thigh inside Hold 10-12 breaths 05, goddess twist


Hold for 2 minutes-


Stand on the mat, feet apart, about one leg long


Pay attention to the waist back to the ground, shoulders relax


Exit from the previous pose and bend your left knee


Enter frog prone style from sitting at the corner against the wall




Frog style


Inhale to extend the spine, exhale to roll the tailbone downward


Surround your spine for 10-12 times


Inhale, prepare, exhale, hip joint drive knee around


Hold one minute on each side


Sit at the corner against the wall


Exit from the double angle into goddess, knee joint outward


Keep your heel close to the perineum, straighten your right leg and hook your toes back


Bend your right leg, straighten your left leg and hook your toes back




Over time, Qi and blood is not smooth, channels blocked, pelvic will breed a variety of bacteria, causing gynecological inflammation! Practice yoga, just can let the flow of energy into the pelvis, yoga many postures can make blood better in the pelvic circulation, help to clean up the “health dead corner”, for our health plays a very important role


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