New Yoga Life

Yoga pigeon claw, are your shoulders ready? (animation course)

It’s easy to do the basic yoga pigeon claw first and then try it! @ @ @ @ teacher wechat @ @ @ recent Haowen @ @ today’s preferred Yoga tutors are all watching.


Yoga pigeon claw, need to open the hip, soft spine and open the shoulder, as shown in the left figure


Grab your ankle, bend your elbow, turn your shoulder blade, keep your right elbow close to your right ear, and hold your chest forward After Fang’s body is stable, his left hand comes around from behind and his left shoulder relaxes


Next, I’ll show you how to enter the pigeon style of yoga to hold your feet


This movement requires more flexibility of the shoulder


Have been able to do pigeon claw practitioners can try Oh! Step 1: go to crescent style, sink hip, support the ground with left hand, grasp right ankle backward with right hand and keep breathing for 10 times Step 4: on the basis of the previous movement, bend your right leg, hold your ankle backward with your right hand, keep your hip upright, keep your right arm straight, and hold your chest forward as far as possible for 10 breaths


When you’ve been able to do pigeon claw with both hands, you can try to release the other hand and grab the foot below, as shown on the right


If he can’t grasp his left big toe with his left hand, it’s because his hip shoulder is not open enough and his spine is not soft enough


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