New Yoga Life

Yoga postures lecture No.13: double angle postures



The name of double angle is double angle, the English name is wide legged forward fold, the Sanskrit name is Prasarita Padottanasana, Prasarita means expansion, extension and extension, Pada means foot, ut means strengthened, Tan means extended


Detailed figure and right and wrong comparison of bighorn variant 4


Figure 6


Auxiliary practice method of double angle posture: (1) with the help of Yoga brick; (2) with the help of wall; (3) with the help of yoga chair; (4) with the help of wall rope; (5) with the help of extension belt; (7) effect of double angle posture: relieve the tension and stiffness of leg and hip muscles Hard, helps blood flow back to the trunk and head, enhances digestive function


Anatomical figure of bighorn variant: slight flexion of spine, flexion and abduction of hip joint, extension of knee joint and equal height of hip joint




The thirteenth form: double angle 1


Bighorn variant 1: bighorn variant 2: bighorn Variant 3: 3


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The practice steps of double angle posture: mountain standing, feet apart longer than one leg, inhale, look up, chest up, with groin as the break point, keep the back concave, body forward and down, parallel to the ground, hands on the floor in turn, exhale, body continue to move forward and down, bend elbows, head contact the ground, body weight on two legs, feet, hands and head together In a straight line, clip in the elbow


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