New Yoga Life

Yoga practice, let the inner thigh to find more strength, but also thin fast!

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Keep breathing in the position of the previous action, and fall back to the ground in a controlled way


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05, supine position, enter the bridge type inner thigh, continue to clamp the yoga ball, exhale to close the abdomen, buttocks leave the ground, hands with up, stay for 5-8 breathing movements 06, lie on the left side Put the right leg in front of the left leg, bend the elbow pillow of the left leg, exhale under the head, tighten the core, lift the left leg up, stay 5-8 breaths statically or practice 12-15 times dynamically, change the other side action 07, sit and stand position, open the left leg horizontally, bend the knee of the left leg, keep the heel close to the perineum, straighten the right leg, hook the toes back to inhale, extend the spine to exhale, and bend the body to the right for 10 breaths Turn to the opposite side action 08, enter the sitting angle type, look down for the ground, inhale, stretch the spine, exhale, hook back the toes, bend forward, feel the inner thigh stretch, stay for 1 minute! What is cruelty? You’ll understand after reading these pictures! I saw 10000 swearing words in the comments section.


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Attention! During the whole process, the inner thigh force action 04, supine position, legs bend knees to clamp the yoga ball, exhale to tighten the core, the inner thigh force, buttocks slightly off the ground, inhale to restore, repeat this action for 8-10 times


The formation of the inner thigh worship meat is mostly related to sedentary, lack of targeted training, long-term sedentary, lower limb blood circulation slow, meridian obstruction, resulting in fat accumulation! Today, share a set of reduced thigh worship meat sequence to you, adhere to a month, will make you thin! Move 01, prone position, prepare a mace elbow to support the ground, bend the left leg outward, put the mace under the inner thigh, roll left and right for 60 seconds, change the other side action 02, prepare a yoga ball or yoga brick supine position, hold the brick or the ball inside the legs, exhale, tighten the core, hands forward, upper body slightly off the ground, try to keep the back straight for 5-8 breaths 3 times, practice 3 times


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