New Yoga Life

Yoga women, fat is also very beautiful!

She doesn’t get angry because of trivial things


According to expert research, “slightly fat people live longer.” compared with the normal body mass index range, slightly fat women who practice yoga are also healthier A little bit of muscle lines reveal the breath of sunshine


In their eyes, nothing can’t be solved in one class


She’s independent and independent


Besides, it’s really lovely for a girl to be a little fat Welcome to share with teacher wechat Chang


They’ve been thin and fat, so they can appreciate your mood most


Virtually, there is a little fat woman who practices yoga


It’s better to have two sections with barbecue, milk tea, ice cream and crayfish..


She has her own hobbies and career


They won’t say “you must be very good to be thin It’s the happiest thing to fall in love with a little fat woman who practices yoga


Easy to meet Yoga awakens her enthusiasm for life


It’s good to accept your own body


What kind of experience is slightly fat? It’s obvious that they eat little but they are fat, but the slightly fat women who practice yoga are not the same


Click the figure below to identify the QR code and add a little bit of yoga supplies in the lower left corner.


The fat women practicing yoga are very considerate


She knows how to be tolerant and considerate Life will always remind you to pay attention to your posture, but also pay special attention to diet, which will adjust your healthy eating habits


Having yoga and eating is like having different body materials all over the world with different beauty


It’s very easy to get along with them


She doesn’t stick to people


The slightly fat women who practice yoga are also very beautiful, not too bony and greasy


The fat women practicing yoga are very optimistic


The little fat woman who practices yoga is open-minded and has a normal heart


It’s just perfect to be in between


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