New Yoga Life

10 simple yoga movements, relieve lower back pain, the effect of bar drop!

Poke the blue words on it and pay attention to us! For office workers, sedentary will bring great pressure to the lumbar spine, easily lead to lower back pain, affect the normal work and life


So, why can sedentary produce lumbago? Because when sitting for a long time, if the sitting posture is not correct, it is easy to squeeze the lumbar spine, and the surrounding muscles are tense and weak, which will bring lower back pain


Therefore, in order to relieve the lower back pain, we need to stretch the tense back muscles and buttock muscles, and also exercise to strengthen muscle strength


Today, I’d like to share with you a set of Yoga sequences to relieve lower back pain, stretching & strengthening strength, releasing the pain effect! No.1 kneeling, knees together, buttocks sitting on the heel, inhale spine extension, exhale, bend down, back extension, relax sacroiliac joint, forehead touch the ground, hands back relax, palms up, maintain 5-8 breaths, No.2 supine, left leg straight forward, bend right knee, inhale, extend spine, exhale, right leg twist, turn left left hand to support right knee outside, help deepen twist, control right shoulder to the ground, hip Turn left to keep 5-8 breaths, change the opposite side to practice No.3 supine, feet apart and hip width, bend knees, heels close to the hip, knees forward, hands on both sides of the body, palm close to the ground, exhale, lift hip up, hip force, keep 5-8 breaths, restore No.4 mountain standing, feet apart and hip width, inhale, spine extended forward, exhale forward, bend down, slightly bend knees, back Fully relax hands and land, abdomen to thigh, keep 5-8 breaths, restore No.5 from forward bending, withdraw left leg backward, instep to the ground, front leg vertical to the ground, keep hips in the positive inspiration, arm up, side waist extension to the front of hip, stretch left iliopsoas muscle, keep 5-8 breaths, practice No.6 standing on the opposite side, feet together, hands chest together, inhale, extend spine, exhale Qi flexion hip, knee flexion, hip sitting backward and downward, tailbone rolling downward, abdomen adduction, maintain 5-8 breaths, No.7 mountain standing, inhale, hands chest together, exhale, bend left knee up, thigh parallel to the ground, shoulder blade adduction, chest lifting, lower leg straightening, keep left knee height unchanged, steady body stay for 5-8 breaths, change the opposite side to practice No.8 Yoga brick two-step horizontal, hip sitting brick on toes Abduction, knees and toes in the same direction, hands chest ten, elbows against the inside of the knee, inhale chest up, exhale, knees deepen abduction, eyes look straight ahead, maintain 5-8 breaths, No.9 sit, bend knees, heel close to the hip, hands support in the rear of the hip, fingertips forward, left foot lift abduction, put on the right thigh inhale chest up, shoulders down relax exhale, abdomen close to the thigh, pull Stretch your hips to keep 5-8 breaths


Practice No.10 sitting and standing on the opposite side


Move your hips backward and outward with both hands


Bring your legs together


Straighten forward


Bend your knees slightly


Inhale and extend your spine


Bend forward with your breath


Hold your feet with both hands


Stretch your back and relax


Keep your shoulders away from your ears


Keep 5-8 breaths


After watching, watch and walk 👍。


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