New Yoga Life

Aging starts from shoulder and neck. Use these 8 yoga moves to save your shoulder and neck!

Human aging starts from the shoulder and neck


The shoulder and neck is the place where the toxin is most likely to accumulate, which is the key to the disease


In traditional Chinese medicine, if the Qi is insufficient, the blood will be blocked, if the blood is blocked, the water will not flow, and if the water does not flow, the poison will not be discharged


Today, let’s talk about the shoulder and neck problems that everyone has more or less! The harm of shoulder and neck pain: because of sitting in front of the computer and looking down at the mobile phone, shoulder and neck pain is no longer just a problem for middle-aged and elderly people


In addition, shoulder and neck pain stiffness and mental pressure, the greater the pressure, the more nervous, shoulder and neck problems will be more serious




Affect the circulation, detoxification, respiration and absorption of the face


(1) the face is dark, lusterless, uneven skin color and flabby, which is not consistent with the actual age


(2) tiredness, poor resistance, allergy, pigmentation and long spots




Insufficient blood supply to the head ① headache, dizziness, migraine ② memory loss, forgetfulness ③ poor sleep quality (dreamy, easy to wake up, difficult to fall asleep) 03


Shoulder and neck obstruction


After pressing the hand, there will be pain and acid swelling (muscle strain, hard to sleep), Bone pain is hyperplasia) scapular suture pain, often limbs numbness, cold hands and feet, poor toughness, easy to appear fatigue phenomenon in a short time




Hormone secretion disorder, pituitary growth, estrous hormone, endocrine disorder, psychoneurosensitivity, irritability, self-confidence, paranoia, cervical spine deformation, will cause lumbar spine deformation, lumbar spine deformation will compress sciatic nerve, sciatic nerve will compress pelvic cavity


How to relieve shoulder and neck pain? In daily life, when there is cervical pain and shoulder and neck fatigue, we must pay attention to it


Don’t accumulate fatigue


Today, I will teach you a simple and easy to learn massage method, which can effectively relieve shoulder and neck fatigue


Step 1: massage the muscles on both sides of the neck side by side with the index finger and middle finger to relax the muscles on both sides


Step 2: soothe the neck muscles, knead the middle muscles of the neck with the index finger and middle finger from top to bottom


Step 3: hold the back of the head with both hands, and massage the joint between the neck and the back of the head with your thumb, which can effectively relieve the headache


Step 4: use five fingers at the same time, massage the whole back neck from top to bottom in a large area, and stay for a while in the most uncomfortable place


Step 5: knead the joint of neck and shoulder, adjust the force according to the degree of muscle soreness, which can effectively relieve the phenomenon of muscle tension and soreness


Eight yoga postures to improve the shoulder and neck: 01 use the stretching belt to relax the shoulder


Use the stretching belt to make a simple strap according to the way shown in the picture, adjust the shoulders and chest to the best position, and then fix them


Office workers who don’t have much time to exercise can use this way to adjust their posture at home


02 lie on your back, open your chest and lie on your back on the floor


Place one Yoga brick horizontally under your chest and the other vertically under your head


Lie on your back on the cushion


Bend your knees, open your feet as wide as your hips, and sink your shoulders


Hold this position for 5-10 minutes


03 sitting posture spine twist: simply sit on the cushion surface, inhale and extend the spine, exhale, turn the body to the right, hold 3-5 breaths, and then change the other side


04 table style – sit and stand on the cushion, bend your knees, open your feet to the same width as your hips, put your hands on the back of your body, open your hands to the same width as your hips, face straight ahead, exhale, lift your hips up, enter table style, keep 3-5 breaths, step your feet forward, step on your toes, raise your head and hold 3-5 breaths




Lie prone on the cushion surface with both hands on both sides of the chest, hook your toes back, exhale, support your hands on the ground, enter the inclined plate, and keep 3-5 breaths


06 downward dog position starts from the inclined plate, with hips up and heels down


Enter downward dog position and keep breathing for 3-5 times




Cobra start from dog down, lie prone on the mat, relax the hips, bend your hands and elbows to the side of your body, keep 3-5 breaths




Lie on the cushion with your feet as wide as your hips, bend your knees, keep your feet close to your hips, inhale, extend your spine, breathe, lift your hips up, hold your hands under your body, extend your shoulders, lift your chest up, and keep breathing for 3-5 times


Life habits improve shoulder and neck: once cervical spine problems, will bring a lot of trouble to life, so in daily life, to maintain good habits, prevent cervical “sick”




If you don’t play with your head down, you will bend the cervical spine at different angles, which will make the cervical spine lose its natural curvature and increase the pressure significantly


These pressures can easily lead to premature wear and tear of cervical tissue, and even face surgical treatment




Keep your neck warm


Keep warm in winter and wear a scarf


Don’t let your neck and back catch cold




Regular hot compress, add a little salt into the hot water, apply the towel with hot salt water on the neck, hot compress for 15-30 minutes, can improve the blood circulation of neck and back, relieve muscle stiffness and other conditions


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