New Yoga Life

How to avoid strain in yoga? Pay special attention!

Old people feel that others are doing well, and they work hard to do postures


No matter how many positions you do in a class, each position requires stretching


The primary task in yoga practice is to concentrate on consciousness and eliminate distractions


Three loose, in the process of practicing posture, relax their consciousness, only relax consciousness, can relax the body


Don’t compare with some yoga studios


For beginners of yoga practice, do not stretch beyond your personal limit during the three-month basic period


The center of command is the nervous system of the brain, and the body and limbs complete the terminal instructions


Taboo posture in all raw pull, hard pull, pull action, let the pain feeling guide you to practice the “scale” see pain to close


There are 206 skeletons in the human body


The way of exercise starts from the stretching of the body


The highway of information must be unblocked


Stability is reflected in the stability of the balance movement


Yoga practice stretching benefits more, but improper practice will hurt the body, the initiative factor to grasp this scale lies in the individual practitioner


Slow down, let the movement slow down, is the most important part of the practice, with a slow rhythm, there will be few muscle strain phenomenon


Due to the lack of students, new and old students concentrate on classes, and their level is not at the same level




This phenomenon is the main reason why new students are prone to strain


New students are under great pressure




Yoga postures are designed with the natural folding of the body


When doing a stable position, we should first master the basic balance, not force to complete the position when the body center of gravity is unstable


The nervous system directs the 78 joints to complete the series of actions needed by the human body through folding


In yoga practice, the most important body protection measure is not to ignore the “pain” in all aspects of the body


Pain points in stretching every skin and meridian in the muscle system of human limbs are connected with the brain nerve center


These skeletons make up the whole body skeleton, which is connected by 78 joints


Step by step practice yoga most taboo anxious, yoga practice in the “slow, stable, loose, soft” is thousands of years, generation after generation of the concentrated embodiment of wisdom, practice can not violate this principle


Here are some protective measures: 01 focus on the intention of human body to express the action with limbs, which is just a representation


Yoga practice, from the effect of fitness exercise, belongs to the category of mild exercise, but in the process of practicing yoga, why do you have the problem of strain? This has something to do with the nature of yoga


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