New Yoga Life

Protrusion of lower abdomen? 6 Yoga Postures “lie down practice”, flat belly super effective!

The lower abdomen corresponds to the deep transverse abdominal muscle of our body, which is the deepest core muscle, also known as the human body’s natural belt


You can practice it when you lie down at home


Want to thin waist, must practice transverse abdominal muscle, transverse abdominal muscle strength is good, the thinner the abdomen, on the contrary, transverse abdominal muscle strength is weak, it is easy to accumulate fat, resulting in lower abdominal obesity! So, today, I’d like to share 6 Yoga variants of thin belly


Pay attention to practice breathing and activate transverse abdominal muscles before practice! Lie on the mat, bend your knees, put your hands on both ends of the ribs to inhale, expand the ribs to both sides, exhale, lower the ribs, press the navel to the spine, find the feeling of abdominal inward force, repeat 10-20 times, put your hands on the side waist and lower back, feel whether the side waist is tight when exhaling, whether the lower back is tight, whether the abdomen is slightly hot, such as If all of the above are positive, it means that your core is activated


2: lie on your back on the cushion surface, lift your legs up 45 degrees, exhale again 90 degrees, return to 45 degrees Repeat exercise 10-12 times 3: lie on the mat, lift your legs up 45 degrees, exhale, right leg up, left leg down, walk up and down, repeat exercise 10-12 times 4: lie on the mat, exhale, bend your knees close to the abdomen, stretch your legs forward, lift your legs up 90 degrees, repeat exercise 10-12 times 5: lie on your back, lift your legs up 45 degrees, cross your legs up and down Fork, practice 10-12 movements 6: supine, leg up 90 degrees, legs clockwise stroke circle 10-12 times, for counter clockwise stroke circle 10-12 times, the copyright belongs to the original, if there is any infringement, please contact in time! @ @ @ @ @ new products on the new good selection hot sale, recommend you to order each praise, I seriously like it.


Flat belly is very effective


1: lie on your back on the cushion surface, keep the core activated state, exhale, bend your knees close to the abdomen, stretch your legs forward, repeat 10-12 times


Note: keep the above core activated state, practice the following actions


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