These points can help you to do yoga double angle, often practice benefits!

A very important state in yoga is balance


In this state, we feel energetic and relaxed at the same time


Ancient yogis called the energy of balance sattva


In this state, we feel alert and relaxed


The double angle is an excellent illustration of this state


Through this posture, we can feel the strength of the lower body, but the mind becomes quiet


In practice, your legs are strong and stable, but your heart and head are relaxed and calm


First of all, let’s talk about the foundation of the double angle


Stand with your feet parallel, and when you reach your arms to your sides, your ankles will be under your wrists


Press your feet on the ground and let the movement bounce up in your body to help straighten your legs and extend your spine


Tighten the leg muscles to make your lower body feel strong and energetic


Now readjust your legs to balance your feet


Is your arch inward? If so, lift the arch of your inner foot up and pull your thighs back, while keeping your back neutral and your tailbone relaxed toward the floor


Put your hands on your hips and keep the alignment


Stretch your legs actively and press your feet firmly to the ground


Notice if this downward release of energy creates a sense of lightness that can bounce up through your spine


Before folding forward, let’s talk about your favorite hand position in the upper body and raise your arm up


Slightly wider than shoulder, slightly bent elbows, palms opposite


Please note, how does the chest feel in this position? The chest is raised and the anterior spine is extended


Keep that feeling, with your arms on your hips


Hold for a moment, even if you fold forward, keep the same feeling


As you move forward, rejuvenate your legs


Inhale, fold forward from the hips and exhale to bring your chest forward


Pay attention to folding from the hips rather than the waist, and if you can comfortably place your hands on the floor while keeping your front spine extended, place both hands on the ground below your shoulders with your fingers facing forward


If it’s too far from the ground, put two yoga bricks or chairs in front of you and put your hands on them


Breathe slowly and steadily


Keep your neck extended


Your eyes, chest and abdomen should all be in the same direction


In forward bends such as the double angle, you may try to reach for the ground


But keep in mind that we need to find balance, and it’s hard to feel it if you strain the hamstring or the spine


Therefore, please pause when your body reaches the comfort limit


After you support your hands on the floor or yoga bricks, turn your attention to your legs


Pull back on the inside of your thighs so that your hips and heels are in the same plane


At the same time, pull the top of your head forward until your spine feels extended


Draw a dynamic energy line from the top of your head to your tailbone


Press your feet into the ground to stabilize your legs, as well as your arms


Both hands are rooted in the ground, bringing comfort to your upper body


Hold for a moment and let the benefits of posture go deep into your heart


Ask yourself where you’re going to feel difficult or blocked, and then fine tune as necessary


Breathe slowly and comfortably, paying attention to the abdomen and how the breath passes through the spine


When you’ve been in the pose long enough, put your hands on your hips, lift your chest and stand up


Back to mountain pose


Keep breathing a few times so you can absorb the benefits of the double angle


Are your legs more stable and solid? Is your mind clearer? Enjoy the pleasant balance!.


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