New Yoga Life

You have never tried 15 Yoga variants, deepen the posture to practice new feeling! (attached with moving picture)





The variant’s feet are about one foot apart, the front foot is facing forward, the rear foot is extended, the hands are supporting the hip, the inhaled spine is extended, and the exhalation is straight back forward and downward Keep 5-8 breathing variants kneeling at three or four corners with palms reversed, fingertips facing to your left leg in the back and right leg in the front, cross position, inhale, roll your tailbone, lift your chest up, exhale, bow your head and arch your back, look at your navel, pay attention to the controlled extension of the spine section by section for 3-5 times, alternate left and right leg position, and then kneel on the mat with knees separated Slightly wider than waist, feet together, toes back hook, bend down to the back extension, buttocks sitting on the heels, hands straight forward, hands grasp the mat to both sides, forehead gently touch the ground, keep 5-8 breathing variants 5 left leg instep close to the wall, right leg size leg 90 ° hands on the right leg, the body upright exhale, buttocks back to the wall, stretch the front of the left thigh, keep 5-8 breathing, reverse Side practice and these super easy-to-use variants, we must also try: 1, dog yoga, dog is a daily practice than the posture, if slightly bent knee, hip to the side open, can better stretch the side waist, bend knee more, can make the arm better extension, if stand on tiptoe, hip up to the highest, the body will be different? 2


If the Jiaren, who are already more relaxed in small bridge and anti table, can lift up one leg and increase the difficulty


You must try it


Cross balance – single leg dog pose, if the legs want to side open, can better strengthen the core and buttocks


The same principle can be applied to other exercises


Do you ever try to do these postures by lying on your back? Feel more comfortable, the effect is the same


Small bridge – horse riding – Cobra or more variants will make the extension of the front thigh more intense


Dog under the elbow dog under the elbow, if you cross or close your elbows, or put your palms up, what will your body change? Let’s have a try






Small bridge anti table


Locust crescent standing backward if you want to do backward bending practice, then do forward bending practice first, can make backward bending open better


If you lift the rear leg, the feeling of the body will be greatly different




The above variants can not only make yoga practice more colorful, but also make a small change in postures, which will make the functions of postures greatly different, and the feeling of the body will be completely different


Poke the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Change can not only make the practice more diversified, but also make the feeling and effect of practice greatly different




If you bend your knees and one leg, you can extend the front of your thigh better


The variant will have higher requirements on the body’s balance ability, core stability ability and strength




Top dog – Dog – horse riding these variants can better extend the side waist and open the chest


These variants, not only can be brought into their usual practice, increase the richness of practice, yoga teachers can also be added to the scheduling sequence, so that the classroom more diverse, hurry to collect it!.




In the variant, the legs are about one leg long apart, the toes are extended to exhale, the knees are bent, the hips are vertically downward, the hands are folded in front of the chest, the thumb is gently touched on the chest to inhale, the right foot is tiptoed, the exhalation is restored to cooperate with the breathing, and the left and right alternate to maintain the stability


The old Yoga birds often use this variant to strengthen their strength and core


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