A 15 minute balance Yoga sequence that you can practice at home

It’s not yoga on the Yoga Road, it’s Yoga on the Yoga road


Anyway, don’t forget the yoga practice every day


Today, I recommend a simple set of balance Yoga sequence


It’s very simple


Take your family and take 15 minutes to practice at home




Stand forward and bend your feet as wide as your hips, fold your hands forward and down with your fingers behind you, bend your knees slightly, relax your head and keep breathing for 8-10 times




Sit and stand on the side, stretch your knees together, sit on your hips, and keep your left heel on the left side


Extend your right hand upward to keep your chest open and keep breathing for 8-10 times


Change sides


3 Hip step, right foot on the outside of the left knee, right hand on the ground behind, left hand against the outside of the right knee, keep 8-10 breaths, change sides 4


Anti table simple variant sit and stand, hands on the ground behind, feet open and hip width inhale, lift the hip, knee alignment ankle, wrist alignment shoulder, keep 8-10 breaths 5


King dance style left foot standing, leg straight, right leg bent, right hand back grasp the ankle, left leg Stretch your hands upward, exhale slowly, lean forward, keep your heels away from your hips, and keep your left hand parallel to the ground for 8-10 breaths


Change sides




Camel knees kneel down to the same width as your hips, toes step on the ground to extend your chest, exhale, hold your hands back on your heels to keep your chest extended upward, and push your hips and thighs forward to keep 8-10 breaths




Simple variant of inverted arrow lie down, open your hands, palms up, and legs on your back It’s not expensive to keep Yoga for 3-5 minutes on the high platform / chair


The key is persistence


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