Want to increase the flexibility of the back of the thigh? Choose one of the 7 basic yoga movements

In the dog down position, the heel can’t fall to the ground; in the forward bending position, the hands can’t reach the ground; in the Yoga sitting position, the back can’t be bent and arched; in the head upside down preparatory position, the back can’t stand straight


All these are related to the flexibility of the back of the thigh


Today, I’d like to check out some basic yoga postures that stretch the back of the thigh and increase the flexibility of the back of the leg




Stand in the front of the mat in the mountain bending posture before standing, with your feet as wide as your pelvis


Knee, toes to the front, inhale, hands up over the top of the head exhale, arm drive the body to hip as a folding point forward and down to their own range, maintain 3 to 5 groups of breathing


Beginners suggest that your feet should be as wide as the pelvis, so that the pressure on the knee and hip joint will be less


In addition, if the back side of your leg is very tight, you can do this action by bending the knee slightly first


Don’t worry, bending the knee slightly can also stretch to the back side of your thigh




Double angled feet half shoulder width apart, knees and toes forward


The sole of the foot is slightly buttoned in 2 to 3 degrees


Adjust the pelvis and spine, inhale, clasp the back ten fingers of both hands, exhale, bend forward to your own range, extend your hands to the top of your head, keep breathing for several groups, and then return to mountain pose


Add two points: after the knees and toes are set, the feet should be slightly buttoned in, and the knees should not be buttoned in during the whole process; the arms can also be omitted in the exercises with the theme of flexibility at the back of the legs




Stand on the front end of the mat in a side stretch


Separate your feet the same width as your pelvis, take a big step back with your left foot, and adjust your pelvis with your toes and knees facing forward


Push the left pelvis forward and pull the right pelvis back to ensure that both hips are in a horizontal plane


Inhale, raise both hands above the top of the head, exhale with palms, drive the body with arms, fold forward, put both hands on both sides of the right foot, keep breathing for 3 to 5 groups, and then return to the right side


Beginners can also bend the right knee to enter the pose, and then adjust and straighten the right leg


Pay attention to the back leg You can raise your heel and pad your toes, but keep your back leg tight and push back




Kneel on the mat in semi monkey style, support the ground with both hands, straighten the right leg forward, hook the toes back, push the big toe ball outward, and adjust the pelvis


Inhale, stretch the spine, exhale, bend forward to your own range, look for thighs in the abdomen, support the ground with both hands, or land with elbows, keep breathing for several groups, and then practice on the opposite side


Pay attention to the back of the knee is not load-bearing, you can step on the right foot, heel pedal to the distance, you can also fall on the instep, ankle and leg down pressure, reduce knee pressure, 5, sit and bend forward, sit on the mat, legs straight, toes back hook, feet apart and pelvis width, with hands to move the gluteal muscle, make the ischium compact place, adjust the spine


Inhale, stretch the spine, exhale, push back the groin, bend forward to your own range, keep, 6


Stretch your back with one leg, sit on the cushion, straighten your legs, hook your toes back, straighten your pelvis, bend your left knee, press your left heel against the perineum, put your foot on the inside of your right thigh, and adjust your pelvis


Inhale and stretch, exhale, bend your body forward, look for your right thigh, put your hands around your right foot, keep breathing for 3 to 5 groups, return to the right position, change your feet and Practice on the opposite side




Supine up leg raising and supine up leg pressing are two of my favorite ways to improve the flexibility of the back thigh


Lie on your back on the mat with your head, feet and hips in a straight line


That is to say, when you lie on your back, you should adjust your body according to the main points of mountain pose, lift your right leg up, hook your toes back, and grasp your right toe with your right hand, or as shown in the picture, inhale, extend, exhale and pull your right foot close to your body with the help of stretching belt


Hold it for about 30 seconds and Practice on the opposite side


After watching so many movements, I don’t know if you have found that all the movements of toe back hook and hip forward bend can be stretched to the back of the leg


As long as you know this, you can even think of various movements by yourself, stretching anytime and anywhere


For example, after sitting for a long time, you can take a short time to relax your legs and stretch the back of the leg Share health and beauty!.


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