New Yoga Life

What kind of yoga is the best for self-cultivation

If you do yoga often, you can cultivate yourself and improve your temperament


Today, I recommend five yoga postures to you, so that you can have a good figure easily


Air cycling exercise parts: abdomen, thigh inside, hip outside and hip supine on the mat, hands on the back of the head


Tighten your abdomen and lift your upper body slightly off the ground


Raise your right foot about two fists from the ground and raise your left foot to the sky


Keeping your abdomen strong and your hips still, use your entire left leg to draw a circle about the size of a softball clockwise, four times, and then four times counter clockwise


Put your legs down, swap legs and repeat


What is the most suitable position for Yoga: sit down on the arms, chest, abdomen, legs and buttocks, put your feet forward, put your hands on the ground behind your waist, and point your fingers forward


Straighten your legs, straighten your toes, and then apply force to the ground


At the same time, tighten your abdomen, lift your hips, and make your body form a straight line from head to toe


Keep your eyes forward, your shoulders down, and your elbows not bent


Straighten your left foot up as far as you can, and then slowly lower it without sagging your right hip


Do it four times on one side and repeat on the other side


Donkey kickback exercise parts: arms, abdomen, legs and back kneel on the ground, toes down, keep your back straight


Tighten your abdomen and push it hard


Lift your knee about half a foot above the ground


Keep your abdomen tight


Move your right knee forward close to your nose


Then lift and straighten your right leg back and squeeze your hip


Keep your lower abdominal muscles tight and your hips facing the ground to protect your back


Repeat eight times, then change legs


Swan water exercise parts: arms, waist, stretch abdominal muscles, chest prone on the ground, the arms extended back, and point to your toes, and then lift your arms and legs off the ground about 15 cm


Hold for a while and feel your legs being pulled out and your back away from your hips


Then pull your arms to your sides, but still behind you


Exhale, bring your arms closer to your toes, palms down


Hold for a while, arms back to the starting position, body close to the ground to relax the whole body


Repeat 6-8 times


Side tilt twist exercise parts: arm, abdomen and waist lying on your right side, right forearm under the shoulder, thin vertical to your body, legs together


Use your abdomen and right waist to lift your hike and keep your body in a straight line from head to foot


Stretch your left arm up and keep your abdomen tight


Lower your left arm to the position between your chest and the ground


When doing this, only your waist and above are twisted


Then the arm returns to its original position


Repeat four times, then lower to the ground and repeat on the other side


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