New Yoga Life

Yoga shoulder neck back discomfort no longer

After a busy day’s work, body fatigue, neck pain, back pain and back pain are the most common problems


If you want to solve these problems, it’s good to learn yoga


So, how can Yoga relieve neck pain and backache? What are the moves? The first decline of women is shoulder and back


According to medical statistics, 80% of people will experience shoulder and back pain in their lifetime


Our daily work is more and more fixed in front of the table


We don’t work on our legs, but on our shoulders


In addition, in the summer, our exposed shoulders and backs constantly suffered from the hot sun and air conditioning


Shoulder and back pain has become a daily pain for most of us


Yoga transfers the posture of shoulder and back, let us stay away from 80%, join 20%! Have a beautiful, healthy and painless back


Recommended posture 1: Mountain variant 1, on the basis of “mountain variant 1”


Hands apart, arms flat to both sides, parallel to the ground




Inhale and land your right hand on the ground




Exhale, the left arm to drive the body to the right extension, the arm as close to the ear


Keep breathing evenly


Recommended position 2: Harper dog 1


Open your feet twice the width of your shoulders and keep your toes in a straight line




Cross your hands behind your shoulders




Inhale, and your chin will drive your spine and shoulder back forward




Exhale, arm movement to drive the body to continue to lean forward and downward, maintain even breathing


Tip: if it’s difficult to cross your hands at the back, you can hold a towel at the back


The length of the towel can be adjusted according to your own situation


Recommended posture 3: deformation rotation work 1


Sit upright, legs straight forward, one leg retracted, ankles pulled to the thigh root as far as possible


Grab the instep with the same arm around the body


Hold the opposite hand on the bent knee




Inhale and straighten your back




Exhale, and the jaw turns the body back


Recommended posture 4: cattle face skill 1


Sit upright, with the left knee on the outside of the right knee, two feet apart, and the hip firmly in the middle of the two feet




Straighten your back and look straight ahead


Inhale and place your right hand back in the middle of your shoulder blades




Exhale and raise your left hand flat to the top of your head


Bend your elbows back and hold your hands together


Keep your chest up, abdomen in, and breath for 15-20 seconds


Tip: if you feel it is difficult to hold your hands together, you can do it with the help of towel


Self examination: if it is very difficult to put your hands together behind your back and accompanied by shoulder pain and slight numbness, you should pay attention to observe whether there are symptoms such as scapulohumeral periarthritis or back muscle strain


It is recommended to go to the hospital for further examination


Why don’t you try yoga for backache? 1


Key points of the lunge leg pressing style: place the knee joint of the front leg behind the toes to form a big lunge, place the back leg on the ground, lower the center of gravity, erect the upper body, hold hands together, and watch hands with eyes


Efficacy: reduce the excess fat on the back of buttocks and thighs, make the center of gravity of buttocks move up, reduce the excess fat on the abdomen, and promote the digestive function




Key points of triangle extension: two legs open, toes forward, one toe open 90 degrees, upper body side bend down to one hand fingertip touch the ground, the other hand extend up, two arms perpendicular to the ground, upper body and legs in a straight line


Efficacy: reduce the excess fat on both sides of the waist, flexible and extend the spine, stretch the arms and legs ligaments




Golden Rooster independent style Essentials: grasp the same side foot with the same side hand, slowly lower the upper body, at the same time, extend the leg above the ground, and extend the other arm forward to maintain body balance


Efficacy: exercise the ability of balance and concentration, strengthen the leg muscles and strength, massage the side, abdomen, lumbosacral vertebrae


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