Is Yoga not balanced? Try these two balance Yoga sequences!

Yoga on the road is not in yoga, or in yoga on the road, pay attention to today’s recommended set of Yoga sequence, mainly to balance, exercise core! 5 breaths per pose


Practice changing from the left to the right, and then back to form a cycle


The first set 1


Mountain style, two handed up style, one leg balance style 2


Tree style, soldier three style, lunge from tree style to soldier three style, leg does not touch the ground 3


Side lunge, double angle style, side lunge 4


Lunge, soldier three style, tree style 5


One leg balance, two handed up style, mountain style the second set 1


Two handed up style, one leg balance style, half pigeon style, leg does not touch the ground when turning 2 Side angle from standing pigeon to half moon leg does not touch the ground 3


Anti warrior, Warrior II, starfish 4


Double angle, starfish, Warrior II 5


Anti warrior, side angle, half moon 6


Standing pigeon, standing pigeon twist, one leg balance from standing pigeon twist to one leg balance leg does not touch the ground you can choose one set of practice, or two sets of practice in turn, firm Today’s topic: Yoga is not difficult, it’s difficult to insist on..


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