New Yoga Life

This group of yoga postures is too versatile, not only the body shape, but also let you practice more feminine!

Yesterday about the topic of weight loss, I didn’t expect you to have so much resonance, poor we eat in the new year delicious ah, haven’t gone to work a few days, we don’t want to be abandoned ~ in addition to weight loss, shaping problem also plagued many sisters, today, love to learn Xiao Qi, to recommend a set of body shaping sequence, each posture to maintain 5 groups of breathing, adhere to shaping 1


The cat and cow kneeling posture, back extension hands, knees, feet shoulder width exhale, bow, arch back, abdominal inhale, sitting up, chest open, head up, look up, repeat 5 rounds




The distance between hands and feet in dog style is about one leg long, hands and feet shoulder width, hands push the ground, heel press down, abdominal, sitting up, arms, back, legs extended, shoulder and neck put 3


The slant board enters the abdomen from the slant board, turns to the right, opens the chest, raises the right arm to extend, pushes the left leg together, pedals the heel, pushes the left foot to look at the right hand, and stops for 5 rounds of breathing 5


Four column support from the inclined plate into the exhalation abdominal, shoulder and back stable bending elbow, big arm clip body sinking, back extension, heel push back, legs straight stay for five rounds of breathing 6


Dog prone, feet with shoulder width, toes back pressure, hands and five fingers open, on both sides of the chest push abdominal, raise head and chest, abdomen, legs off the ground in turn, slowly straighten the arm, spine extended to the shoulder Relax the neck and stay for 5 rounds of breathing ﹣ 7


In the mountain posture of magic chair, raise the arms to retract the abdomen, bend the hips and knees, extend the back, relax the shoulders and neck and stay for 5 rounds of breathing ﹣ 8


In the mountain posture of magic chair, put the hands together, retract the abdomen, bend the hips, bend the knees, extend the back, open the upper part of the chest, turn right, put the left elbow against the outside of the right knee, look at the extension line of the right shoulder, and stay for 5 rounds of breathing, change the opposite side ﹣ 9


In the mountain posture of, Move your weight to your right foot, bend your left knee, step on the inside of your right leg, lift your arm up and extend, open your five fingers, stretch your back up, relax your shoulders and retract your abdomen, stay for 5 rounds of breathing, change to the opposite side ﹣ 10, goddess mountain pose, open your feet slightly shorter than one leg, abduct your toes, rotate your thighs outward, lift your arm up, stretch your back up and retract your abdomen, bend your hips, knees and elbows, open your knees to your toes, open your chest, and stay 5-round breathing ﹣ 11


Double angle mountain style, hold hip with both hands, open feet slightly shorter than one leg, exhale with the tips of the feet, fold the body from the hip, extend and relax the back, look for the ground on the top of the head, hold elbows with both hands, relax the shoulder and neck, stretch legs, stay for 5-round breathing ﹣ 12


Camel style kneeling, hold hip with both feet and knees of the same shoulder width, hold hip with both hands, clamp the hip in the elbow, straighten the hip, and keep the thigh vertical to the ground ﹣ open Chest, bend back, push the heels with both hands, straighten the arms, relax the shoulders and neck, look at the sky, stay for 5 rounds of breathing ﹣ 13


Sit and stand with crutches, straighten the legs, close the toes, push the heels, extend the arms, fold the body from the hip, put the hands on the legs, extend the back, stay for 5 rounds of breathing ﹣ 14


Sit and stand in boat style, bend the knees and legs together, support the hands back, and lift the legs parallel to the ground Raise your arms flat in front of you, fold your hands to shoulder width, extend your back, open your chest, relax your shoulders and neck, look at your toes, and stay for 5 rounds of breathing


﹣ 15


Sit in a twisting posture, with your legs straight and folded, bend your left knee, step on the outside of your right leg, raise your arms flat, turn your upper body to the left, put your left hand behind your body, put your right hand on the outside of your left thigh, and look at the extended line of your left shoulder, and stay for 5 rounds of breathing Bend your knees, cross 1 / 2 of your legs, rotate your thighs to relax, straighten your back, relax your shoulders, put your hands on your knees, and stay for 5-10 rounds of breathing.


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