New Yoga Life

Yoga asana 27: Bridge

Type 27: bridge 1


The name of bridge is bridge, which is also called small bridge type by the gayals


Its English name is bridgepose, and its Sanskrit name is Setu Bandhasana


Setu means dam, dike and bridge, bandha means lock, and Setu bandha means building a causeway or bridge




Bridge training steps: lie on your back, put your hands on both sides of your body, open your feet to the same width as your hips, point your toes straight ahead, bend your knees close to your hips, keep your calves vertical with the ground, exhale, lift your hips up, press your shoulders and arms down to the ground, lift your chest up, put your palms under your body, or hold your ankles with your hands to keep your feet together Legs parallel, knees straight ahead, legs perpendicular to the ground






The detailed figure of the bridge style and the right and wrong comparison figure: 5


The anatomical figure of the bridge style: cervical and upper thoracic flexion, lower thoracic and lumbar extension, shoulder extension and adduction, elbow extension, hip extension, knee flexion


Detailed anatomical analysis, you can click the blue font “Yoga bridge knee pain, low back pain?”? These five anatomical points must be mastered! 》6


Bridge assisted practice methods: (1) assisted practice methods with the help of Yoga brick: (2) assisted practice with the help of stretching belt; (3) assisted practice with the help of Yoga blanket, yoga brick and yoga stretching belt; (4) assisted practice with the help of elastic belt and small ball; (6) the effect of bridge can open chest cavity, tighten waist, thigh and buttock muscles, strengthen waist, buttock and leg strength, and beautify the body In addition, it can also help women postpartum pelvic floor muscle recovery


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