New Yoga Life

Yoga, the body always love to shake? Maybe these two reasons!

Teacher: why do I see some people practicing yoga and feel that they don’t make any effort? It’s so relaxed! Why do I practice yoga like (below) in fact, the first reason for this situation is that you are not focused enough! More importantly, the core strength is weak! If you want to be more stable in yoga practice, you have to keep enough concentration and practice today’s Yoga sequence to strengthen the core! Action 01: lie on the yoga mat, bend your knees and lift your legs, straighten your hands up, exhale, tighten the core, straighten your left hand back, bend your right foot to keep each side dynamic for 12 times


Action 02: keep in the position of action 01, tighten your core, exhale, tighten your core, slightly roll your abdomen and chest cavity, lift your hands up on both sides of your thighs, slightly retract your chin here, and keep 8 breaths in a static group, Keep sitting and standing on the yoga mat, bend your knees and lift them off the ground in half boat style, tighten the transverse abdominal muscles with your legs parallel to the ground, put your hands on both sides of your thighs, rotate your pelvis forward, keep your back upright and stay here for 8 breaths


Practice group 3


Keep in the preparation position of half boat style, exhale with your hands together, tighten the core, twist your body to the right, inhale and restore Exhale, turn to the other side, keep dynamic exercise 12-15 times




Cross your legs to the ground, hold your hands on the ground, lift your hips off the ground, sit and stand up slowly for 5 breaths, cross your legs and exchange movements




Prepare for mountain posture, take a small step back with your right foot, straighten your hands up, exhale, tighten the core, bend your left leg, bend your hip and knee, bend your right leg and lift forward, dynamic exercise 12 times, and finally bend your knee Lift forward, keep static for 5 breaths, then change sides




Exit from action 05, enter forward squatting exhalation, bend hip and knees, fully tighten the core of buttocks backward, stay 8 breaths




Transition to downward dog, adjust 5 breaths




Exit from downward dog, move the center of gravity forward into inclined plate


Pay attention to shoulder vertical, wrist, core, gluteal muscle tightening, inner thigh tightening, stay 5 breaths- 8 breathing movements 10


Enter the side plate from the inclined plate, support the body with the right hand to the right side, fold the feet, stretch the left hand up, lift the hip to stay for 5 breaths, then change the other side without core, no yoga, which is enough to prove the importance of core in yoga practice, Jiaren, come on! [Disclaimer: we respect originality and share


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】 ♦ “I haven’t touched you for 3 years


Who’s the little guy?” Gu Chi stood aside and said with a smile: “it turned out that it was you that night!” ♦ “Husband, aren’t you dying?” He was about to eat her expression, “it seems that I want to practice, let you see if I can do it or not!” ♦ “It’s said that you have a backer behind you?” she said with a smile, “ordinary friend.” A man nodded: “yes, eat and sleep together, and give birth to three children by the way.”.


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