New Yoga Life

How does yoga open the shoulders and upper back?

When you start yoga, you feel stiff in your shoulders and upper back


The opening of shoulders and upper back can avoid many yoga injuries


Today, eight yoga postures are recommended to help open the shoulders and upper back: 1


Pug knee alignment hip, lower leg back to the ground, elbow on the brick, hands on the back of the head, chest sinking, forehead to the ground for 1 minute




Hands in the back of the ten fingers to stand, hands in the back of the ten fingers to buckle, shoulder blade adduction, Turn your shoulders outward for 1 minute




Stand with your hands behind your elbows, and hold your hands behind your elbows for 1 minute




Lean against the wall cactus side to side, palm and small arm against the wall


Push the wall with your left hand, turn your shoulders to the left, hold for 1 minute, and change sides




Stretch your arms against the wall the same as the previous action, but keep your right hand straight back, and keep your arms against the wall for 1 minute, Side changing 6


Push the wall by the side of the hand to stand, push the wall on the left side of the body with the left hand for 1 minute, side changing 7


Push the wall straight with the arm, stand back to the wall, push the wall back with the left hand, turn the body to the right, hold for 1 minute, side changing 8


Supine, sit and stand in a beam angle, with feet facing each other, knees sinking, bricks on the middle back, supine, hands open, Palm up, back of the head on the brick for 3-5 minutes, open the shoulders and upper back, do yoga wheel can better extend the thoracic spine, reduce lumbar compression


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