New Yoga Life

Stick to yoga, the world will reward you more

The bad thing about yoga is that you can’t take photos any more


@ janiceliou has been practicing yoga for nearly 13 years


She has not only good posture and temperament, but also a sweet breath


No matter how busy her life is, she practices yoga every day


The photos she takes are beautiful


What she wears will not limit her posture


Her love for yoga will bloom in her smile She insists that everyone is her own teacher


The combination of body and heart is the most important


She focuses on the moment


Relax your heart and let all the postures flow with the breath


She insists on yoga


She has no round shoulders, no hunchback, no XO legs


She has calm temperament


She insists on yoga


She doesn’t have shoulder and neck pain, back pain, and lightness She has beautiful body and interesting soul


She is thin in clothes, If you take off your clothes and stick to yoga, she will have more time to do what she wants to do because she improves her efficiency


If you stick to yoga, the world will reward you more..


May your life go through thousands of sails


Yoga is still a girl’s heart


There’s an excellent way to practice yoga


It’s called sticking to every day instead of being born like this


Click on the video below to watch more dry goods


Remember to praise + pay attention! Teacher wechat, long press the following figure to identify the QR code, you can add a point in the lower left corner to select yoga supplies.


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