New Yoga Life

Yoga: food, speech, sex

For yoga practitioners, there are some rules to follow when facing food, sex, and speech


Sattvic is the best food, but vegetables should not be eaten too much


It is mentioned in the Cheng Dian of Ayurveda that “eating vegetables leads to disease (shakenavardatevyadhih)” It is also mentioned in yoga books that vegetables are useless for yoga practitioners


The best food is wheat, snakegourd, half paste yogurt, mung beans, ginger, milk, and sugar


Good food should prolong one’s life, increase one’s pleasure, strength, health, happiness and love


It should be digestible, natural, simple and seasonal


This kind of food is most suitable for practitioners because it is the food that God likes


On the other hand, sour, salty and irritating food is not good for your health, so you should not eat too much


If the food we eat is pure, our thoughts will be pure, because our heads will absorb the food we eat


It is also mentioned in Upanishads: “if the food is pure, our thoughts will be pure; Pure thought, stable memory (aharas) huddhausattvashuddih.Sattvashuddhaudruvasmrtih )。」 Therefore, yoga practitioners should only eat pleasant food instead of stimulating lust, negative thoughts, succulent or fattening food


In addition, we should also abandon toxic substances and smoking habits


The food we eat should only account for half of the capacity of the stomach


The other quarter of the stomach should be filled with water and the other quarter with air


Only in this way can it help the stomach to move and digest


We should avoid eating too much or completely fasting, sleeping too much or not sleeping at all, having too much sex, or getting along with negative and vulgar people, because all of these will cause obstacles to yoga practice


It’s very important that we should control our diet and sleep


Similarly, it’s not good to talk too much


If you talk too much, you will waste the energy of your tongue and your words


If the energy of speech is broken, what we say will be powerless and will not be valued by the society


However, talking about spirituality can increase the energy of the tongue and benefit the world; Talking about common things can only reduce the energy of the tongue and damage its life span


Cheng Dian often emphasizes this point, so we’d better follow it as much as possible


Too much sex can also debilitate the body, the senses and the mind


If our minds and senses are weak, we can hardly achieve great things; If we are mentally unstable, we will have nothing to do


Therefore, we should avoid having sex too often..


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