20 interesting and fun yoga postures, you can not only exercise, but also play mobile phone!

Practicing yoga is what I want; Playing with mobile phones is what I want


Now we can take care of both


Next time you want to play mobile phone and yoga, you may as well try these 20 yoga postures to make you enjoy playing mobile phone and practicing yoga at the same time( Supine cannonball type (straight horse type) (wide angle type) (sleeping swan type) (wild type) (supine bunching angle type) (supine right angle type) (sitting position with one leg bent forward) (full locust type) (plate support type) (Magic chair type) (running type) (standing forward bending back type) (full lotus sitting) (shoulder bridge type) (crescent type) (high bow type) (warrior three type) (walking stick type) (boat type) although you are playing with mobile phones, you can’t do it at will, The exercise perception of each posture should not be less, otherwise it is really lazy


The advantage of playing mobile phone in yoga practice is that you can use mobile phone to disperse muscle pain, help relieve fatigue, and make your practice deeper


It’s said that mobile phone is the biggest obstacle to yoga practice


If we overcome it in this way, we can develop a new style of Yoga while playing mobile phone


No wonder netizens say: “this is the Yoga special mode of mobile phone”, and now you are looking at your mobile phone, do you want to try another way to open it( The content comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the originator


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