New Yoga Life

Yoga four pillar support is not good, because the arm does not have the strength?

Those who have done four pillars of Yoga all know that chaturanga four pillars support is a very important posture connecting up and down dog style! But many practitioners say that their four column support is always not good, is it just because the arm does not have strength? In fact, it’s not easy to do the four column style well


It’s not just the arms, the shoulders and the back, but also the muscles of the whole body


Let’s take a look at what we need to pay attention to when practicing the four column style today! Error prone point 1, the hip is too much higher than the shoulder, at the same time, the shoulder buckle, which will make the shoulder pressure too much, leading to compensation! Error prone points 2


The core is not activated, the hip is too downward, which leads to the increase of lumbar pressure, and the upper limb pressure is increased


Error prone points 3


The elbow is too outward, the back is not activated, which leads to the pain of wrist, elbow, and shoulder


How to correctly practice the four pillars: inhale from the inclined plate, move the shoulders backward, pay attention not to bow your head, let the neck fully extend forward, exhale, and tighten the core, Bend your elbows with both hands inward to activate the muscles of chest, back, core, gluteus and front thigh


The body is in a straight line


How can beginners practice without waist collapse, back bow and hip warping? Try these two AIDS! Step back 1


You can use the method of kneeling on both knees to practice step back by putting two yoga bricks under your shoulders




When you get used to step back 1, put the extension belt on the outside of your arm to help improve the shoulder buckle




When the version of step back 1 can be easily completed, try to lift your knees off the ground to complete the four column support, which looks simple


In fact, it is very challenging in yoga, It’s not just part of the muscle, but with a sense of the whole to practice, yoga, details are very important! Click into the video number below to watch more dry goods, remember to like + pay attention! Teacher wechat, long press the following figure to identify the QR code, you can add a point in the lower left corner to select yoga supplies.


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