Yoga + massage maintain ovary, let your beauty stop!

The influence of ovary on women changes unconsciously


Quantitative change leads to qualitative change


Qualitative change is irreversible


When the influence has been caused, it is too late to recover


It is very important for women to understand the symptoms of premature ovarian failure, timely ovarian maintenance, supplement and adjust female endocrine


Symptoms of premature ovarian failure 1


Hyperactive insomnia modern women are facing more and more serious attack of insomnia




Mental fatigue white-collar work pressure survey shows that 60% of white-collar women are mental fatigue




The medical investigation of irregular menstruation showed that irregular menstruation was in the trend of younger age


The irregular menstruation of young women aged 18-25 was 62.65%




Medical investigation of gynecological diseases showed that irregular menstruation was a trend of younger age, and irregular menstruation was found in young women aged 18-25, accounting for 62.65%


Among them, 8.3% suffered from gynecological infectious diseases, 14.8% from chronic cervicitis, 0.17% from benign tumors, 7.5% from breast diseases, 0.012% from malignant tumors, and 0.06% from sexually transmitted diseases


Experts say that gynecological diseases are becoming younger, but young women are far from caring enough about their bodies


For the happiness of themselves and their families, young women should never underestimate gynecological physical examination


Ovaries are the core of women’s health


Proper maintenance of ovaries is essential for women to maintain health and beauty


Nest keeping is to maintain the ovaries


By promoting the further development of follicles and secreting estrogen, the ovaries can ovulate regularly under the action of estrogen and operate normally in the physiological cycle


Only in this way can women’s overall body state be adjusted from inside to outside, and their energy and beautiful appearance be maintained


Women’s unique charm can be released from inside to outside


Ovarian maintenance yoga practice yoga practitioners through the posture, with breathing, and mental adjustment, dredge the female organ blood circulation, adjust hormone secretion, irregular menstruation, tubal obstruction, postpartum vaginal relaxation, pelvic inflammatory disease has a good effect


At the same time, it can also strengthen the kidney function of the human body, restore the “vitality” lost by women due to abortion or childbirth, make women send out a kind of youthful breath from inside to outside, and delay aging




Back stretching can strengthen the abdominal organs, keep them active, strengthen the kidney and activate the whole spine




Half lotus stretching can promote the blood in the umbilicus and reproductive organs




Whole lotus relaxing the hip and knee joints, promoting the blood in the umbilicus and reproductive organs




Mountain sitting can relieve the rheumatic pain and stiffness of the shoulder, strengthen the chest, and stretch the abdominal organs inward, The chest is fully expanded, the irregular menstrual period can be adjusted by 5-bundle angle, the normal function can be promoted, and the varicose veins can be avoided


6 women can strengthen the abdominal organs, kidneys and adrenal glands, relieve the uterine prolapse


7 heads touch the knee, bend forward, stretch the sitting position, relieve the back pain, strengthen the spleen and liver, help digestion


Both sides of the abdomen are stretched


8 heads touch the knee, twist forward, stretch the sitting position, relieve the back pain, strengthen the spleen and liver, Both sides of the abdomen have been extended


9 half lotus strengthens the back forward bending stretching sitting posture to relieve back pain, strengthen the spleen and liver, and help digestion


Both sides of the abdomen have been extended


10 hero posture and lying hero posture are used to treat knee joint rheumatism and gout


11 half hero forward bending stretching sitting posture strengthens abdominal organs, To prevent its failure and stagnation, 12 Heron leg muscles are well trained, and abdominal organs are also restored to vitality


13 Maliki first makes abdominal organs squeeze and contract through forward bending, and blood circulation is active, keeping them healthy


14 Maliki second strengthens abdominal organs and digestive function


15 Maliki third eliminates back pain, low back pain and hip pain, Shoulder sprain and shoulder joint displacement are relieved


The large intestine also benefits from this posture


It can strengthen the abdomen and stretch the leg tendons in the 16 sitting angle posture, promote blood circulation in the pelvic area, keep it healthy, control menstrual flow, and stimulate the uterus, The gonads can absorb sufficient nutrients, which will enhance vitality


18 cats, bull type, enhance spine elasticity and health


19 cats, balance and cat type, enhance spine elasticity and health, prevent uterine prolapse


20 swans and torsion, mildly stimulate kidney, liver and spleen, Make abdominal muscles stronger 21 tortoise type strong spine, stimulate abdominal organs, keep people energetic and healthy, relieve brain nerves 22 cattle face type cure leg cramps, chest fully extended, back more straight, latissimus dorsi fully extended, Two types of action on the thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae, make the back soft and flexible, strong abdomen, relax the shoulder 25, face up baby style relax the back, relieve pressure 26, eliminate the accumulation of waste gas in the abdomen, promote intestinal peristalsis, make it more energetic 27 wreath style strengthen abdominal organs, relieve dysmenorrhea, relieve back pain 28, corpse style ovarian maintenance good living habits 1, eat fish, shrimp two to three times a week; Insist on drinking milk three to five times a week for more than 30 minutes of aerobic exercise; No smoking, no drinking




Eat more vegetables and fruits, such as cabbage, cauliflower, sunflower seed oil, sesame oil and other foods rich in vitamin E, and animal viscera, eggs, milk and bean products rich in vitamin B2, as well as cereals, beans, lean meat and so on rich in vitamin B6, and adhere to appropriate physical exercise




Psychological beauty means to maintain a pleasant mood and the vision of beauty, wrinkles naturally stretch, appear radiant


Ovarian maintenance acupoints massage the blood sea on the knee joint, Sanyinjiao on the ankle joint, Fuliu and Zhaohai beside the ankle joint, Yongquan on the sole of the foot, Guanyuan, Qihai, Shenque and other acupoints on the lower abdomen


Press these acupoints with your index finger 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes each time, which can promote the improvement of female endocrine and reproductive system function and is beneficial to ovarian maintenance..


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