How does yoga “sage mariqi D” avoid ankle and knee pain? Pay particular attention to

On the way to yoga, you should pay attention to the fourth pose of sage mariqi dmarichyasanad


This pose can activate the nerves near the umbilicus, regulate the functions of liver, spleen and pancreas, and make the shoulders more flexible


It is recommended to try this pose after completing sage mariqi ABC


Today, let’s talk about the details of this pose: 1


Ankle and knee pain is because the hip is not opened


Many students will feel ankle pain at the beginning of practice


At this time, they should put their feet in the groin




If the ankle hurts when twisting, it is because the hip is not open enough


When the lotus flower is placed on the right leg, if the right knee is too high, you should consider whether you can continue this pose


If the knee has got up and bent the other knee, the pressure on the knee will be great


The right knee should be on the ground, sit high, and the left knee should be slightly closer to the midline




During the binding process, keep the spine extended upward, while the upper body tilts forward, try to extend upward, and then twist


If you only want to tilt forward without extension, the arched back will be too serious


Even if you twist and grasp the hand, It will also be difficult to extend the spine




Find the force against the knees and shoulders


Many students twist well, but the big arm will slide out


That is because when twisting, the shoulders do not exceed the knees, and then the force against the knees and shoulders gives the body stability, extension and torsion


The lumbar spine is stable, the thoracic spine is twisted, and the shoulders are opened backward


When holding in the pose, you can’t shorten your breathing, It will become tense and bounce out of the pose




Find the pose of folding the hip forward


In addition to the external rotation of the hip, the forward folding of the hip is also very important


Learn to find the depth of the forward folding of the hip in the squat


Follow the steps in the text and practice


One day you can unlock it


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