Postpartum yoga, prenatal practice, you must know the secret!   Yoga       With your body and mind   Pure   Quintessence   yoga   I believe most people are the same


The first impression of production comes from stars and film and television dramas, as if giving birth to a child is a light thing


After seven months of pregnancy, my waist is still as thin as an ant


Giving birth is like buying vegetables


Having a baby while talking and laughing, I feel full of girlhood after childbirth..


Until I personally experienced the process of pregnancy and childbirth, I realized that giving birth to a child is actually a “protracted war”


We women will face a series of physiological problems because of childbirth, but don’t be afraid


Laying a good physical foundation through exercise before pregnancy can make pregnancy less involved and postpartum recovery faster


Like many mothers, from pregnancy preparation to postpartum, we encountered many anxiety and problems: can we conceive a baby smoothly; How to prevent pregnancy edema and stretch marks; How to make delivery more smooth; How can we recover to the healthy state before pregnancy after childbirth..


Therefore, we took out the previous pregnancy courses during pregnancy and planned a series of training from pregnancy preparation to postpartum


Unlike daily weight loss and shaping exercises, these pregnancy and childbirth exercises should be targeted and fully deal with the changes brought by pregnancy and childbirth to the body


Take the childbirth pain that every mother will experience


This experience is not the ultimate test of childbirth


Postpartum rectus abdominis muscle separation and pelvic floor muscle injury are the “nightmares” that may affect life


But it was precisely because of those training that I quickly repaired these injuries after childbirth – the separation degree of rectus abdominis was about two fingers outside the normal range


On the third day after childbirth, my stomach was the same


For this reason, I was also distressed


Three days after delivery, the waist is still “A4 waist”, which can’t cover the meat even if you do the twisting posture


After personal experience, I want to tell you that expectant mothers can calmly face the various effects of pregnancy on their bodies by preparing their bodies in advance


This is a postpartum exercise


With the baby’s postpartum repair journey ~ slowly changing, it’s finally coming to what I want to be ~ the baby is obedient, angel baby ~ a really good “postpartum repair” should be prepared intentionally when preparing for pregnancy


We should all know that stretch marks have a great relationship with heredity, which happens to be my mother


In order to prevent stretch marks, I have been strengthening core training since I was preparing for pregnancy to maintain the strength of the abdominal wall


On the one hand, I can make good physical preparation for supporting the baby during pregnancy, and on the other hand, I can reduce the pressure on the peripheral skin of the abdomen


While strengthening the core strength of the abdomen and controlling my weight well, I don’t have any stretch marks, and I’m ready for later postpartum recovery


In order to let more mothers, like me, reduce their anxiety about childbirth and will not be affected by production, I have specially created a set of whole pregnancy and childbirth exercise repair course combined with my experience and professional experience from pregnancy preparation to postpartum: take the training during pregnancy as an example: strengthen the strength of the deep abdominal wall of the abdominal core and improve the bearing capacity of the abdomen and pelvic floor during pregnancy; Strengthen heart and lung, improve endurance, prepare for cardiovascular changes and weight control during pregnancy, and reserve physical fitness in advance; Improve pelvic blood supply and provide a better maternal environment for embryonic development


From pregnancy preparation to postpartum, experience optimization from time to time to ensure safety and effectiveness


Many mothers should have such an experience


Once pregnant, it becomes the top priority of the family


Although they know that they should exercise more during pregnancy, they don’t know how to move, and they don’t dare to move


In fact, pregnancy is not as fragile as you think


Photo source: when I see this on the Internet, my mother may want to ask, can I practice without sports foundation? Of course


Because everyone’s physical conditions are different, the teacher will also arrange classes according to your physical conditions, rather than explaining to you casually


These have laid a good foundation for your postpartum repair


After postpartum repair, you will be in better physical condition than before, but on the contrary, if you don’t, you will feel worse and your whole body will be very weak


Every expectant mother should consider and pay for herself


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