Yoga instructor said: the error rate of these three postures is as high as 70%!

Many people want to practice yoga to the extent of the teacher, so they try to concave the shape, and finally make the body painful


Long-term wrong practice can easily affect the health of the body’s bones


Stabilize your heart and accept who you are now


Yoga postures not only make the body healthy, but also balance the restless heart


High incidence of wrong pose 1 – Summary of tree tree pose problem: shrug of high and low pelvis solution: sink the left hip


If the left hip can’t sink, bend the right knee slightly and sink the shoulders


If the shoulders can’t sink, bend the elbow slightly


High incidence of wrong pose 2 – summary of downward dog pose problem: the shoulder is not open, the elbow is extended, and the fingers are not open If the cushion is not compacted, lift the right hand up at the tiger’s mouth


Solution: bend the elbow slightly, open the shoulder blade, stretch the shoulder blade, open the ten fingers, and compact it firmly on the floor


High incidence of wrong posture 3 – upward facing dog problem summary: the shoulder is not opened, and the chest is not opened


Solution: buckle the shoulder in: bend the elbow slightly, let the shoulder fully open and the chest move forward, Upward ▼ teacher wechat ▼   Yoga Music Collection   ▼ today’s best   People who choose yoga are watching.


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