Good yoga can help you bend back better? (principle of asana practice)

On the way of yoga, you either pay attention to yoga or pay attention to yoga bridge on the way of yoga


Many times, this asana is used as the preparatory asana of wheel asana


Although it is only the preparatory asana of wheel asana, it is not easy to do it


If the bridge is done, it will be much easier to push up the wheel, because this pose establishes the leg strength, core and backward bending of the thoracic segment required by the wheel


Bridge, Sanskrit Name: Setu bandha Sarvangasana, Setu = bridge, bandha = lock


The final pose of the bridge is to grasp the ankle with the hand


In addition to the “lock” of the hand and foot, this lock also means to start the band lock


Perineal band, abdominal band and chin band are all reflected here


It’s easy to understand the chin retraction


In the bridge, the chest looks for the chin and even sticks together, which starts the chin retraction; To lift the pelvis up, you need to start the abdominal and perineal band at the same time


In the simple anatomy of the bridge, the red part of the muscle indicates stretching and the blue part indicates starting


It can be clearly seen that to activate leg strength and arm strength, stretch the front of the body


It’s very sour to keep your thighs for a long time


As shown in the figure, force the heel backward, lift the thigh upward, the abdomen and chest upward, rotate the big arm outward backward, and the hips backward


Step 1: lie down, step 2: exhale, bend your legs, step on the soles of your feet, and your fingers can almost touch your heels


Step 3: inhale, push your feet down, lift your hips, and lift your upper body off the ground


Step 4: push your shoulders down to your back, retract your shoulder blades, open your chest, press your hands on the ground or cross your fingers


Common mistakes in bridge construction are right on the left and wrong on the right


Right: toes facing forward, heels aligned, knees aligned with ankles, knees parallel, hips raised, outer side of big arm on the mat, push with big arm to open chest wrong: eight outside feet, knees not aligned with hips, chest collapsed, back side of big arm on the mat, a few tips to make the bridge more perfect step 1 if your hand is too far from your feet, Step 2: if you can’t lift it up, put a brick under the sacrum, bypass a yoga belt in front of the ankle, hold both ends of the belt with both hands


Step 3: bend your legs and step on the ground, move your hips towards your feet, then hold your ankles with both hands, and lift your body with the strength of your abdomen, legs and arms   The wheel is easy – there is a prize for leaving a message-   Welcome to leave a message


Before 12:00 on September 8, we will select the most lucky fans from the selected messages and send one Yoga short sleeve (4 colors)


For those who have won the prize in the past, the prize will be automatically postponed to the next Jiayou ~ ▼ teacher wechat ▼ recently, Haowen Yoga people are watching it.


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