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Abstract: middle way, complete Yoga: let the body and mind keep up   Any experience has two levels at any time


In fact, any experience we have has two levels at any time: there is a larger level “in”, which is like a screen


At the same time, there is another relative level, which is divided into three main parts


One is, of course, awareness, what to perceive, using our senses; One is thought, thought, which is the sixth sense we generally talk about; Another is feeling


Feeling is to add awareness


The two are combined, and the two interact and then fall into the body


The body has feelings and combines them into emotional feelings


The most regrettable thing is that we usually put all our attention on the level of thought awareness or our feelings at this relative level


Our five senses make us aware at the same time, but if we add thoughts, memory becomes feelings, which forms a very complete body and makes us feel like we have a body


There are two main tracks – inward and outward


In fact, there are two main tracks for all our lives


One is to use the negative method, what is not, let us go inward, heart and real investment all the way or step by step


Through seeking, participating and surrendering, we slowly turn our attention from the outside, from this relative world to the absolute or absolute door, greater self and greater you


We can also talk about returning to a neutral, middle way, back to a state that has not extended any difference, any awareness, any feeling, which can be achieved by participation and submission


We can also adopt an outward path and some methods of outward inclusion / inclusion


In other words, we don’t need to exclude everything from life and deny everything


Standing on a relatively stable basis, we can actually start to slowly contain every corner of life


Through the three levels of thinking, awareness and feeling, we can easily tolerate it, face it, contact it, welcome it and receive it


In fact, we can easily go back to the neutral, middle way and undifferentiated states mentioned above through these three levels


This is an external way


Why is this so important? Because only in this way can we reach an equilibrium point on both sides


On the one hand, strengthen our foundation and keep taking root


The basis I’m talking about is the basis for understanding, truth and pursuing truth


At the same time, we can integrate our behavior with this understanding


In this way, we can use comprehensive understanding and comprehensive connection


There is no level of life, body, body and mind that we have not taken care of, which is very important


Our body and mind can’t catch up with the understanding, because our body and mind itself is a combination of cause and effect, and cause and effect itself is a knot, a knot created by friction


It is because we are aware of the thoughts and feelings of the past and do not completely let it slide freely, flow freely and pass through, so these obstacles will bring friction, resistance and accumulate some scars and knots


Therefore, our body and mind generally can’t catch up with understanding


If we fall behind, there will be contradictions


Why do you understand, understand, and understand to the end, but your body, from behavior, speech, bit by bit, your every action, every thought, and interacting with others, seems to be unable to integrate with this understanding and connect with it


Therefore, this is the reason why we should carry out both


This is very important


I use these minutes to add that I hope to lay a solid foundation and build your confidence and faith


4 the role of Yoga visualization in the past, we used some yoga, light yoga, four yoga, and many other yoga, mainly using the method of visualization, because I think it will be faster


On the one hand, visualization achieves purification and physical and mental unity


From another point of view, I hope to divide us, that is, my concept


There is an independent me to see if it can be integrated with our body, the universe and everything at any time


These are the two important roles played by yoga


I’ve let you realize that there’s something in front of me these days, but I didn’t open it and didn’t explain it


I use water, thunder, wind, yoga with magma, a lot


Everyone has experienced it with me in the past


It’s very powerful, isn’t it? I will lead you to visualize in various ways


From the most fundamental elements, water, air, earth, fire, etc


Through this kind of thinking, first of all, we can adjust and purify many physical obstacles, many waste gases and wastes


Don’t underestimate this vision


As long as you think it’s possible, its cleaning power will come into play, and I believe everyone will feel very thorough as long as they do it


If you cross your legs alone and do it alone in a small corner, you probably won’t have such a deep feeling or feeling


5 back to the middle path, the complete Yoga structure actually accumulates a lot of knots in several parts of the body


Through these knots, we will particularly reflect the role of this ego


We will declare me as if I were a separate body


That’s how the estrangement came


On the forehead, behind the forehead, there is a heavenly eye, pineal gland, just behind the eyes, a little above


There are very rich neural and endocrine production


Why is it called Tianyan? You can think of this sentence itself


The ancients knew that it could connect heaven and earth


It was a command system that could digest information and bring us wisdom


Generally speaking, what we know is actually quite related to this part


From the middle vein, there is some flow of life, the Qi of life, in this part, it seems that it will be transformed into information available to the body


In this way, the original knowledge is added to the knowledge


The original view suddenly becomes imagination


It suddenly becomes where it is


It extends from a state of no separation and no difference to an understanding that we think the world needs to use, a knowing, or knowledge


In this way, we naturally have estrangement


We think it’s very simple, yoga, all kinds of participation and surrender used in the past few years


But with yoga on this body, you can use water and visualize to disperse it and distribute it throughout the body


It was originally focused on one point


What is the purpose of dispersion? It’s to turn it around, turn it back to the center, turn it back to the Middle Road, big me and big you, that is, return to this state that has not yet inspired


Originally know, return to know


From what to observe, back to view


As long as you do this turn, you will suddenly have an understanding


Large or small understanding depends on your maturity


It makes you realize what is true or Dharma, which is very interesting


Sun wheel, there are many nerves, many paths and many tracks in the chest


Make a cross there


Heart chakra, sun chakra, chest and heart, it seems that we just have a lot of feelings concentrated there


Originally, the feeling is so simple, but we add an idea to these feelings and turn them into emotions


Just add a head, good, bad, painful, comfortable, uncomfortable, and it will become an emotion


Of course, through submission and participation, we can also make a turn and return to a neutral state, big you, big me and so on


From another point of view, yoga can also be used, as if in an outward direction, to directly distribute this feeling to every part of the body and give it to the universe


By doing this, it will also bring a turn, a complete turn


Of course, we should understand why we have been talking about the structure of this theory from the front until now, because you don’t have the instability of this structure, and the effect of yoga on you is very limited.


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