Why do pregnant women practice yoga? Mid air foot tire steady! Attachment: full pregnancy Yoga sequence (pure dry goods)

Morning sickness ▼ hormones rush in during pregnancy, especially in the sixth week of early pregnancy


This rapid endocrine change may cause nausea, dizziness, headache, fatigue and drowsiness of pregnant mothers


Because vomiting often occurs in the morning, it is also called “morning sickness”


When you feel sick, try to rest your body, but don’t bend forward too deeply to avoid stimulating the stomach and the nerves connected to the stomach


1、 Simple sitting 1


Sitting posture, natural bending of legs


If the back cannot be extended upward, a folded Yoga blanket can be placed under the hip


The weight of the sciatic bones on both sides is equal, and the spine extends upward


Sink your shoulders and place your hands naturally on your legs


Breathe quietly




Put your hands on your chest


Inhale and feel full chest; Exhale, the scapular muscles sink and push each other’s palms


Repeat breathing for 7 rounds and slowly drop your hand


II   Neck movement 1


Simple sitting


Inhale and extend the spine upward; Exhale, slowly lower your head and retract your chin


Stay in the forward flexion position of the neck for 3 rounds of breathing to experience the extension of the posterior muscles of the neck




Inhale and correct; When exhaling, hold the middle part of the back of the neck with the index finger and middle finger of both hands, bend the cervical spine back and lift the chin up


Also stay for 3 rounds of breathing to experience the extension of the anterior cervical muscles




Inhale back and lower your hands


Exhale and turn the neck to the right


Keep your spine stretched and breathe for 3 rounds




Do the same in the opposite direction




Inhale and restore the neck


Exhale, tilt your head to the right, gently assist with your right hand, extend your left arm to the side at the same height as your shoulder, stand your palm and push your palm outward


Three rounds of breathing




The opposite is true


  3、 Sit in the angle type with the buttocks raised, the legs open to the side to a comfortable position, hook the feet, toes up, sit in the angle type


Bend forward to rest


  Varicose veins ▼ during pregnancy, the body will secrete a hormone called relaxin


Its purpose was to act on the pubic symphysis and sacroiliac joint of the pelvis, so as to expand the delivery channel and make the pregnant mother deliver smoothly


However, relaxin not only acts on pelvis, but also on muscles, joints, ligaments and inner walls of blood vessels


However, the blood flow during pregnancy increased than usual


As a result, the pressure of blood vessels increases


When the blood reflux becomes difficult, the blood is easy to accumulate in the lower part of the body, resulting in varicose veins on the thigh, vulva and rectum, especially in the middle and late stages of pregnancy


The best way to prevent varicose veins is to avoid standing and squatting for a long time on the one hand, and actively exercise the strength of leg muscles on the other hand


It can freely contract and relax the leg muscles, and the inverted posture can well promote the blood circulation of the legs


1、 Warrior pose 2 1


Sit in a yoga chair


Legs open, knees and toes on each side facing outward


Put your hands on your chest




Move the weight of your hips to the right side of the chair


Bend the left leg with the left knee and left foot tip to the left; Keep your right leg straight and your toes forward


Lift your arms to shoulder height


Keep breathing for 5 rounds and return to normal


The opposite is true


2、 In the inverted arrow pose, a layer of Yoga blanket is placed under the hip and sacroiliac joint


Turn sideways into a supine position with your legs against the wall


The legs are the same width as the hips, and the yoga belt is tied to the middle of the thighs to fix the position of the legs


In this pose, you can completely relax and lie down, or you can hook your feet and push your legs to the sky


  3、 Supine beam angle and sitting angle 1


Lie on your back with your feet opposite and lean against the wall


Open your knees sideways


Place your hands gently on your legs


During the stay of this pose, the movement of pelvic floor muscle can be combined




Spread your legs sideways and hook your feet


When inhaling, tighten the leg muscles; Exhale and relax completely


Repeat 7 rounds of breathing


Note: do not lie on your back for more than 5 minutes in the middle and late pregnancy


Chest tightness and dyspnea ▼ with the continuous enlargement of the uterus, the transverse septum rises and the stomach is squeezed


In addition, the weight of the body increases, and the burden on the heart also increases


Pregnant mothers often feel chest tightness and palpitations at a certain moment, or feel shortness of breath and out of breath after walking and exercise


Therefore, during pregnancy, expectant mothers should exercise regularly to promote the normal operation of cardiopulmonary function


And in the exercise, be extra careful about the exercise intensity


Don’t be too fierce and strong, and don’t hold your breath


1、 Body straightening 1


Lie flat and place your legs on the yoga chair to experience the relaxation of your lower back


Place your arms naturally on your side


Be aware of your breathing


When you exhale, sink your body weight to your back and give it to the ground safely




Roll up one end of the Yoga blanket 2-3 fold and place it horizontally on the middle back under the armpits


Stretch your legs and lie flat, or continue the lying method of practice 1


Be aware of the changes in the chest during breathing and experience the changes in breathing after 5 minutes of such lying posture


Note: do not lie on your back for more than 5 minutes in the middle and late pregnancy


2、 In the Fish pose, bend your knees with your feet as wide as your hips


Put the Yoga brick vertically between your shoulder blades in the middle back to feel the expansion of your chest and the lifting of your sternum


Put your hands behind your head and stretch your neck to reduce the pressure on your neck


3、 Breathing exercise 1


High simple sitting


Inhale, open your arms to the side, raise your head, and expand your chest




Exhale, arms in, head down


Repeat practice 1 and 2 for three rounds




Inhale, arms up, head up




Exhale, arms down, head down


Repeat practice 3 and 4 for three rounds


  4、 In the beam angle pose, the bottom of the hip is padded up, the soles of the feet are opposite, and the knees are opened to the side


With your hands behind you, gently place your fingers on the Yoga brick and rush your fingertips forward


Inhale and experience chest expansion; When exhaling, gently push the brick with both hands to extend the spine upward and sink the shoulders


  Relaxation of low back pain ▼ low back pain is a problem for almost all pregnant mothers


The legacy of back problems before pregnancy, the change of body center of gravity during pregnancy and the influence of relaxin will become the reasons for aggravating low back pain


Adjust your posture at any time and don’t let the lumbar spine be affected by too much uterine weight


It is the best and most effective way to relieve back pain


In addition, you need to stretch your back muscles and relax them often


1、 Supine rising leg yoga_ In) 1


Lie on your back with your right leg extended upward and perpendicular to the ground


The yoga belt is wrapped around the arch of the right foot and hold one side of the belt with both hands


Stretch your left leg, hook your feet, toes up


Pay attention to the balanced stretching of the psoas muscles on both sides


After holding for 1 minute, change your legs




On the basis of practice 1, place a yoga brick under your left heel


Take one end of the yoga belt and wrap it around your right foot


Stretch your arms to the back of your head and grasp the belt with both hands


Feel the stretch of your body


Stay for 1 minute and vice versa


2、 Cat stretch 1, four corner bench position


Spread your fingers to the ground, and your arms and thighs are basically perpendicular to the ground




Exhale, slightly retract the abdomen and extend the back muscles longitudinally


Be careful not to tighten your abdomen too tightly




Inhale and extend at both ends


Experience the stretch of the skin and muscles in the front of the body


Repeat 3-5 rounds


3、 Phantom chair pose 1


Back against the wall, legs separated by the same width as hips


Bend your knees and don’t exceed your toes




Inhale and open your arms to the side at shoulder height




Exhale with your upper body forward and your head tilted upward


Put your hands on your hips


Spinal extension


Keep breathing for 3 rounds and restore


4、 Bend forward 1


Sit in a yoga chair with your legs apart to leave enough space for your abdomen


When exhaling, move your upper body forward slowly, put bricks under your head, and hold your hands on the ground


After 3-5 rounds of breathing, get up slowly( Do not force, subject to physical comfort) 2


Stand and bend forward with your hands on the yoga chair


Legs apart, toes forward, thigh muscles up


The ischium is backward and the spine is extended


Keep breathing for 5-7 rounds


5、 Twist 1


Slightly raise the center of gravity in the sitting position.


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