Yoga backward bending is poor, is the waist too hard? No……

On the way of yoga, I either pay attention to yoga or pay attention to many people’s bending after practicing yoga


They say they are a thousand year old waist


Their waist is too hard to bend down


But is that true? No..


Yoga back bending is a whole body practice, not just the waist


Let’s take “wheel pose” to illustrate: blue represents contracted muscles, red represents elongated and extended muscles, and green represents stable muscles


Through this figure, we can see that in wheel pose, the front side of the body needs to be well extended, mainly including quadriceps femoris, iliopsoas, rectus abdominis and pectoralis major


Secondly, the muscles of the back should also be extended, The most important are latissimus dorsi and erector spinalis


In popular words, if you want to do the wheel well, you should extend the front thigh, open the groin, stretch the abdominal muscles (you will find that people with obvious abdominal muscles have poor backward bending), stretch the chest muscles and stretch the back muscles


In fact, it’s also easy to understand, that is, the muscles around the spine should be stretched, front, back, left and right


If the muscles around the spine are very stiff, the spine can’t bend if it wants to bend


So let’s see how to stretch the front thighs, groins, abdominal muscles, chest muscles and back muscles


Stretch the front of thigh & groin ↓↓↓ the stretching of the front of thigh and groin are generally inseparable, and can be stretched at the same time in the same action


Action 1: sit up first in the one leg lying hero pose, bend the left leg backward, keep the heel close to the knee on the outside of the left hip, lie down slowly, hold the elbows with both hands for 1 minute, and change sides action 2: sit up first in the one leg lying hero + Half lotus pose, turn the right leg half lotus, bend the left leg outward, and lie down slowly with the heel on the outside of the left hip, Hold the right foot with your left hand for 1 minute, change sides action 3: lie down hero, bend your legs outward, heel slowly on both sides of your hips, and hold your elbows on your head for 1 minute action 4: step on the ground with your left foot in crescent style, align your knees with your ankles, land on your left knee, keep your instep close to the ground, hold your hands on your left knee, straighten your arms back, sink your hips and keep breathing for 10 times, Side change action 5: Based on the previous action, the crescent variant bends the right leg, presses the right instep with the right hand, sinks the hip close to the outside of the right hip, and maintains 10 breaths


Side change action 6: the dove variant half dove with the right leg, then bends the left leg, presses the left instep with the left hand, holds the ground close to the outside of the hip, and maintains 10 breaths, Alternate abdominal muscles ↓↓↓ simple yoga back bending can stretch the abdomen well to prepare for deeper back bending


Action 1: kneel on the cow’s knees and align your hips, hold your hands on the ground and align your shoulders, inhale, extend your spine upward, sink and relax your abdomen, and keep breathing for 10 times


Action 2: lie down in the snake, with your feet the same width as your hips, hold your hands on both sides of your shoulders, inhale, push your arms to the ground, slowly lift your chest and abdomen off the ground, and keep your elbows slightly bent, Chest spread forward and keep breathing for 10 times


2: get down in the dog pose, with both feet the same width as the hip, hold your hands on both sides of the chest, inhale, push your arms hard, slowly lift your chest and abdomen off the ground, straighten your arms, expand your chest forward, lift your thighs off the ground and keep breathing for 10 times


3: the fish variant lies down, put your hands under your hips, hold your elbows on the ground, and lift your chest up, Keep breathing for 10 times when landing on the top of your head


4: Camel style, step on the ground with your feet, kneel on your knees, be the same width as your hips, bring your hands to your heels, rotate your thighs inward, lift your hips forward to your chest, keep the back of your neck strong, and keep breathing for 10 times


Chest muscles ↓↓↓ in some actions of opening the front of your shoulders, armpits and chest, you can stretch the muscles of your chest


Action 1: stand facing the wall with your feet the same width as your hips, push the wall with both hands, sink your chest, expand your armpits, and keep breathing for 10 times (the first two pictures) your feet close to the wall, slowly let the back of your arms fully stick to the wall, and keep breathing for 10 times


Action 2: kneel on your knees, extend your left hand to the left, land on your left shoulder, and extend your right hand upward, and then come back to the root of your left thigh to keep breathing for 10 times, On the other side (left) Vajra, hold the yoga belt with both hands, extend it upward and backward, practice around the shoulder before and after, and repeat the back muscles 10 times ↓↓↓ in some passive back bending and arched back movements, the back muscles can be relaxed or stretched


Action 1: Rabbit pose starts from King Kong sitting, touch your heels with both hands, exhale, lift your hips, land on your head, bow your back up close to your knees and keep breathing for 10 times


Action 2: Eagle arm King Kong sitting, Eagle arm winding, keep breathing on your left hand for 10 times, change sides to practice action 3: lie on your back, twist your back, bend your right knee, come to the right knee cover and land on the left side, Turn around and look at the right side, keep breathing for 10 times, and practice action 4 on the other side: lie on your back (brick assisted practice), sit up, open your legs, lie back slowly, and lie on the middle back and back of your head on the Yoga brick for 3 minutes


Yoga backward bending is a whole body practice


If other parts of the body are not opened, only bending from the waist will lead to low back pain, resulting in the illusion that your waist is hard and you can’t bend back, Step by step, fully expand the body, extend the extended muscles, and it’s easy to bend back- Message Award-   Today’s topic: when the body is fully unfolded, it’s easy to bend back..


Talk about your experience ~ welcome to leave a message


Before 12:00 on September 19, we will select the most lucky fans from the selected messages and give one Yoga short sleeve (4 colors are optional) as shown in the figure below


For those who have won the prize in the past, the prize will be automatically postponed to the next Jiayou ~ ▼ teacher wechat ▼ recently, Haowen Yoga people are watching it.


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