Yoga teacher selected 10 foundations to practice standing yoga asana. Don’t worry about what to practice

Standing posture can build strength, confidence, balance and lay a solid foundation for your yoga practice.

They help deepen your body awareness of all parts of your body and help focus your awareness on the connection to the ground.

Many yoga standing postures require you to stay still.

This helps to improve concentration and calmness.

These ten asanas are suitable for yoga practitioners at any level and can help you practice more deeply.

They form the basis of other more advanced asanas.

Even if you practice yoga on a mat, the concentration, balance, strength and stability they cultivate will follow you in life.

1、 Tadasana – the mountain pose is usually the starting point for most standing yoga poses.

It is said that all yoga poses are no more than three movements away from Tadasana.

Stand on the top of the mat and feel the whole body.

Let yourself swing left and right to feel where your center of gravity is.

Bring your feet together or hip width – whichever is more comfortable for your body.

Activate your thighs to lift your knees.

Keep your knees slightly bent, especially if your body is very soft.

Let your fingers relax with your palms facing forward or inward toward your body.

Make them feel natural and unrestrained.

Join your core, lengthen your spine, and bring your tailbone down.

Rotate the thigh from the outside to activate the gluteus minimus.

Inhale as you roll your shoulders up, roll down, and exhale back to expand your chest.

Tilt your chin down slightly to feel the extension of the back of your neck and feel your head get higher.

2、 Trikonasana triangle can strengthen your legs, core and arms.

It also helps to expand the groin, hips and chest.

This is a more challenging Yoga standing posture for beginners, especially when maintaining posture for a long time, but it is the best systemic activator because it involves all muscle groups.

The most common alignment error in asana is to tilt your upper body forward and collapse to your chest.

To prevent this, concentrate on stretching your chest up and down through your arms.

Start with mountain pose.

Pull your right leg back and face the long side of the mat.

At the same time, open your arms to a horizontal line.

If comfortable, the distance between the heel and the wrist should be the same.

Rotate your front foot so that your left toe faces the front of the mat and your right toe faces the side of the mat.

Keep the palm down and extend at both ends.

Look at the front shoulder and extend forward with your left arm.

Push the right hip toward the back of the mat.

Keep your chest extended and level with your hips.

Without folding forward, tilt and fold from your hips to the side so that your left hand extends downward (or put your hand anywhere on your left leg except your knee), and then extend your right arm upward into the sky.

Look down from your fingertips to up.

(if your neck is too hard here, please look straight at it instead of twisting your neck or relaxing your head and neck.) III.

ardvamukhasvanasana – downward dog pose seems to be a challenging pose during the first practice of downward dog pose, but in the end, this reversal may become a welcome static pose between dynamic tandem Yoga sequences.

It helps strengthen your core, shoulders and arms.

It can also lengthen hamstrings and increase blood circulation and metabolism.

Put your hands and knees on the mat.

Place your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips to create space under you.

Move your palm forward by more than ten centimeters, and then spread your fingers as far as possible.

Press firmly into the fingertips to firmly connect to the ground.

Inhale deeply.

As you exhale, put your hand into the mat and push your hips back.

Straighten your knees so that your heels touch the ground, but if not, keep your knees bent and your heels raised.

If you want your armpits to face each other, hug your shoulders.

This will help widen the back and lengthen the spine.

Look between your feet or relax your neck.

4、 Vriksasana tree pose is a famous standing balance yoga pose that can practice balance, enhance legs and increase attention and clarity of mind.

The trick here is to keep a soft gaze on the gaze, or focus on the fixed focus in front of your eyes.

First stand on a mountain mat.

Focus on the gaze in front of you and shift your weight to your right foot.

Engage the right thigh and keep the knee slightly bent.

Move your left foot to the inside of your right thigh.

Press the soles of the feet into the thighs, and then push the thighs evenly towards the feet, so that the energy flows to the center.

In prayer fingerprints, place your palm on your chest, or keep your balance and lift your palm slowly.

To increase the challenge, close your eyes while maintaining balance and keep your gaze inside.

5、 Utkatasana – Magic chair is a challenge to your whole body.

It can exercise your legs, hips, back and shoulders, and stretch your Achilles tendons.

Before practicing the phantom chair pose, make sure you have fully extended and warmed up, and pay attention to the personal limitations in this pose.

Stand in mountain pose.

Keeping your feet together or hip width apart will exercise different parts of your gluteal muscles, so you should take a posture conducive to personal balance.

Fold from your hips and sit in an imaginary chair.

Check that your knees don’t move forward than your toes.

Unfold your chest and extend your arms above your head with your palms facing each other.

Point down to the tailbone and lengthen the spine.

If your feet are close together, push your thighs into each other to help stabilize.

Whether your feet are together or not, start your core (including your side) to lengthen through your arms.

6、 Garudasana Eagle folded hips sit on an imaginary chair.

Raise the right leg so that it is wrapped around the left leg of the thigh and, if possible, around the ankle.

At the same time, put your arm in front and wrap your right arm under your left arm and, if possible, on your wrist so that your hands are relatively strong.

Keep your elbows straight up with your shoulders and fingers.

Move your eyes over your fingertips and squeeze your legs for stability.

Throughout the pose, point the tailbone down to extend the length of the spine and place most of the weight on the heels rather than the toes.

7、 Uttanasana – standing forward flexion standing forward flexion is a standing inverted yoga posture, which can relieve the lower back and awaken the hamstrings.

Due to increased blood circulation to the head, this pose can relieve headache and anxiety.

Its complete expression is actually considered as a medium-level yoga posture, but even beginners can practice this posture by paying attention to the limitations of the body, and use props such as yoga bricks when necessary to reduce the burden of hamstring extension..

Start in mountain pose with feet hip width apart.

As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, keeping your spine and neck long and your chest enlarged.

When exhaling, fold from the hips to keep the spine extended.

Think forward, not down When you are fully folded, extend your arms to the ground and keep them straight.

Put your hands on the floor, or reach your hands anywhere on your legs, without straining or bending your back.

Use a yoga mat to help when necessary.

Relax your neck and hang your head.

8、 Malasana garland pose is also called full Yoga squat.

Malasana or garland pose is the name of various squats in yoga.

This is a fixed position, which can open the hip, groin and lower back.

It can also stretch and increase the flexibility of the ankle.

Starting in mountain pose, the feet are slightly wider than the hips.

Bend your knees and sink until your hips are below your knees.

Place your heels on the ground as far as possible, with your toes pointing forward.

Put your palms in front of your chest space and push your knees out with your elbows.

Lengthen the spine by pointing the tailbone down and expanding the chest..

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