New Yoga Life

7 simple yoga poses to soften your stiff shoulders, neck and back

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! The shoulder and neck are like the crossroads of the human body.

They are the main channel for blood supply to the head and the place where toxins are most likely to accumulate.

Stiff shoulders and neck will cause problems such as round shoulders, hunchback, head leaning forward, wealth bag, etc., which will not only affect temperament, but also lead to shoulder and neck pain, cervical spondylosis, headache and chest tightness…

Today, Xiaobian will share 7 shoulder opening yoga poses, which can not only increase the flexibility of shoulders, but also strengthen the strength of shoulder joints.

Let’s have a look! 1、 Increase shoulder flexibility action 1: Eagle mountain standing, bend the right knee, focus on the left leg, lift the right leg up, bend the left knee, wrap the right leg around the left leg, raise the left arm side by side, wrap the left arm up and the right arm under each other, palm opposite, raise the elbow, inhale, extend the spine, exhale, keep the hips backward and downward for 8 breaths, and change the opposite side action 2: forward bend and buckle the hands mountain standing, Inhale with ten fingers clasped behind your hands, extend your spine, retract your shoulder blades, exhale, bend forward and downward, chest close to your thighs, hands away from your hips, and maintain eight breathing movements 3: prepare for the heart melting four corner kneeling posture, inhale with your instep close to the ground, extend your spine, straighten your hands and exhale forward, bend forward and downward, chest cavity and chin close to the ground, and hip right above your knees, Keep 8 people with bad breathing knees stepping on the ground on their toes 4: kneeling posture, twisting the spine, melting the heart to exit, inhale with the left hand on the ground, extend the right arm to the upper right, exhale through the lower part of the body, with the palm facing up, and keep the right shoulder close to the middle line of the body for 8 breaths, change the opposite side two, and strengthen the strength of the shoulder joint 5: Dolphin downward dog pose, successively drop the elbow to the ground, and compact the cushion surface with the forearm, Lift your hips up, stretch your legs straight forward, relax your neck at the limit, step down on the core with your heels, and keep eight breathing movements.

6: move the center of gravity forward to the inclined plate downward, the wrist is directly below the shoulder, step on the core with your toes, tighten your thighs, lift your neck up and relax, and keep eight breathing movements.

7: enter the side plate inclined plate, turn your body left and upward, and your left leg is above your right leg, The legs are close together, the hips are lifted upward, the left hand is straightened upward, the head is on the extension line of the spine, the core is tightened to maintain 8 breaths, and the aging of people on the other side starts from the shoulder and neck.

People should often practice the open shoulder pose! After you’ve read it, you can watch it before you go 👍。.

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