9 Yoga variants “leaning against the wall” practice, which is very effective in strengthening pelvic floor muscles

Today, I’d like to share with you a set of daily exercises for strengthening pelvic floor muscles by Anna, a yoga blogger on INS.

You can practice against the wall 10-20 minutes before going to bed.

Let’s try it together: before practice, you can lie on your back and bend your knees, focus on the pelvic floor muscles, take 10-15 breaths, inhale deeply, exhale slowly, slowly find the feeling that can control the pelvic floor muscles, and then start the following exercises.

Action 1: inhale with your legs and hips against the wall, straighten your hands upward and exhale, retract the pelvic floor muscles, inhale with your right leg upward and forward at the same time, restore and relax the pelvic floor muscles, exhale, change the other side, and practice alternately for 10-12 times.

Action 2: start the inverted arrow, inhale, stretch your insteps, exhale, retract the pelvic floor muscles, hook your insteps, separate your legs to both sides, inhale, stretch your insteps, exhale, retract the pelvic floor muscles, Repeat 10-12 times with your legs sandwiched in the middle.

If you can, your arms can do actions with your legs.

3: start the inverted arrow, inhale, straighten your arms forward and exhale, retract the pelvic floor muscles, draw a circle clockwise for the right arm and right leg at the same time, inhale, restore, change the left side alternately, and repeat 10-12 groups of actions.

4: start the inverted arrow, bend your knees, put your arms on both sides of your legs and exhale, Retract the pelvic floor muscles, lift the hips, straighten the hands, stretch back, inhale, restore and repeat for 10-12 times.

Action 05: start the inverted arrow, bend the knees, inhale, straighten the arms forward, exhale, retract the pelvic floor muscles, straighten the right leg, inhale, restore, exhale, change the left leg, alternate left and right into a group, and repeat 10-12 groups of actions 6: start the inverted arrow, bend the knees, inhale, and hold the arms side of the hands flat and exhale, Retract the pelvic floor muscles, stand on tiptoe, lift the hips, inhale, hold your hands flat in front of you, exhale, retract the pelvic floor muscles, open your legs to both sides to form a beam angle posture, and open your arms to both sides at the same time.

Open your legs and hands together to exhale at the same time, and repeat 10-12 times.

Action 7: start the inverted arrow, bend your knees close to the abdomen, inhale, hold your hands flat on both sides, and bend the elbows and arms 90 degrees, Exhale with the palms facing up, retract the pelvic floor muscles, twist the hips to the right, inhale, restore, exhale, twist the inspirations to the left, restore, repeat 10-12 groups of actions 8: start the inverted arrow, inhale, raise both arms horizontally, bend the elbows, the big and small arms 90 degrees, exhale with the palms facing up, retract the pelvic floor muscles, bend both knees close to the abdomen, hold the front of the legs with both arms, inhale, Restore and repeat 10-12 times action 9: start the inverted arrow, stretch your arms upward, completely relax your body, focus your consciousness on the pelvic floor muscles, try to relax them, stay for 5-8 minutes # guess you want to see # * 10 Yoga action variants, flexible spine, strengthen your back, core * practice yoga, shoulder opening is very important, and strengthening the stability of shoulder joints is more important! [Disclaimer: we respect the originality.

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